Chapter 3: Blue Eyes

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- Primrose's POV -

I Primrose Price am Eleven years of age, I'm not exactly from a particular part of the country as I have traveled around a bit with my Mother. I can tell you I have dark brown hair that reaches my lower back, I have light tanned skin, sky blue eyes, a cheeky smile and I was currently sat in an office within an orphanage bored out of my mind...

"Miss Moore can I please get a book from the cupboard?" I asked quietly.

"No you cannot, your new guardian will be here soon and I am not looking for you again!" Miss Moore told me.

I huffed as I played with the bottom of my dress feeling sorry for myself; Two days ago my Mother Louisa Price passed away from a sickness leaving me with the care taker of the orphanage. Apparently my Mother gave one of the women here a letter to send to my Father so he could have the choice to come and collect me, for eleven years I had no clue who my Father was or what he was like but all I knew was that he was from Birmingham and he was an Angel in disguise, well that's what my Mother always told me, she said I always reminded her of him, my attitude, my sense of adventure and how determind I was be a little bit mischievous.

"But Miss Moore I've finished this book," I told her sadly and held up the book in my hands.

I loved to read. Everynight my Mother would read me a story before bed, she used to tell me stories of Princes and how they would rescuse Princesses from towers... My Mother always said 'If your story is too hard to tell, tell a better one' and that will stay with me forever because no matter how hard our life was we made a story together that brought a smile to our faces.

"Primrose I've told you no, now please sit quietly!" Miss Moore told me with a stern look.

I slid off my chair and sighed softly making my way over to the window in the office. I stood in front of the window looking at the court yard in front of me, all the children were playing football and shooting rocks at bottles with sling shots, I loved being outside and playing with the other children but I had to stay in the office until I was collected, I had a bad habbit for exploring and investergating new places or things, yes I have gotten into a lot of trouble for it because I could go missing for hours.

Just then I heard the door creek open slowly. "How has she been?" A voice asked.

The voice belonged to my Mothers close friend Dorothy, she looked out for me like a Grandmother would, she was very kind and had helped my Mother raise me.

Miss Moore hummed. "She hasn't stopped asking for a book since I brought her back to the orphanage," She explained. "She's too clever for her own good that one, you've got your hands full Sir."

My ears picked up at the word 'Sir'... So a man has come for me?

"She's no trouble," Dorothy added. "She just likes to know everything."

"Can I have a few minutes alone with her?" A deep voice asked.

I listened to the women say yes in hushed voices, then light footsteps as they left the room then the gentle close of the door signaling that they had left the room. The office fell silent, all that could be heard were the distant laughs of the children from outside but then soft footsteps came closer to me and I slowly turned around to meet the man...

My eyes went wide at the sight of the man. This man was dressed in a three piece grey suit, he wore a big dusty black coat and a cap on top of his head with something shiny sticking out of it.

"I- Is that a blade in your cap?" I asked nervously.

Why has he got a blade in his cap?

The man sighed and took his cap of to reveal his face; He had a blank expression on his face, his head was shaven at the sides with dark brown hair on the top of his head, his skin was lightly tanned and he had bright blue eyes.

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