-Games night-

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A loud bang echoes and pulsates around the room, as Nikki bursts through the front doors of the mess hall.


It was around 7pm, and the campers where only just finishing off their dinner when this happened. Everyone, upon hearing this, starts losing it. A plethora of 'HELL YES' and 'OF COURSE' erupts around the room as Nikki goes to take her seat next to Max and Neil.

"Yo, Nikki." Max says, turning to her, "What will happen in this game of 'Truth or dare' then?"

'Oh, Ered said that she's got a load of cards for truth or dare left over from her Year 8 camping trip, so we're gonna use those. I don't know sure whats on them though." Nikki replied, while chewing her last piece of chicken like a wolf.

---------- Timeskip to when they're in the tent-------

"Okay, so here are the rules: first, you pick a card and read it out loud. if you don't do what the card says, then you HAVE to do what the group thinks up for you to do/reveal about yourself"

"OK, that seems fair" Max comments, sipping some of the starbucks he somehow sneaked into the camp.

"so," Neil starts, "who's going first?"

"I will" Nikki says, and she picks up a card and reads it out. "sit on the lap of the person to your left for the rest of the game" she reads.

Nikki turns beetroot red as she turns to her left, and sees Ered. Nikki slowly climbs onto Ereds lap and settles down, still red while looking around the tent, seeing all the other campers look at them in anticipation, wanting to know what they're thinking. She nuzzles the back of her head into Ered's neck and turns an even darker shade of red. Looking up at Ered, Nikki sees that the cool girl,too, has a light dust of pink on her face. Both secretly loving it and secretly crushing on each other for years, they had both been wanting this moment for ages. Then, finally having enough of their stares, she frantically shouts "OKAY! Next persons turn!"

Max was sitting on the other side of her in the circle, so he took a card and read it out, turning a light shade of pink after reading it.

"Kiss the person on your right for 5 seconds and then act like a couple with them for the rest of the day." The card read.

Max turns to his right, only to be met with Neil's baby blue eyes.

"We don't have to do this.... right?" Neil asks timidly, scanning his eyes over the other campers.

Nerris puts a hand to her chin as if thinking, and suddenly a sparkle of mischief glimmers in her eye, like a villain from an anime. "not unless you want to make out with the person to your left for 10 minutes"

Neil looks at her in disgust as max just mumbles "let's just get this over with" and takes Neil by the back of the head, taking Neil by surprise a he smashes his lips into the nervous boy. Neil waits a few seconds (a/n: approximately 2.5 in turtle years sksksksk), not sure what to think, but then hesitantly kisses back, moving his lips rhythmically to max's soft, pink, kissable lips.

They pull back after 10 seconds, breathless and panting. They skim their eyes over the other campers, who were watching intently while the two boys shared the passionate kiss.

"Now to hold up the rest of the dare" Harrison says with a smirk, and the two boys sigh heavily while a dark blush makes it's way across both of their faces.

Max rolls his eyes and huffs before climbing onto Neil's and burying the back of his head in Neil's neck. Neil, not knowing what to do with his hands, snakes his hands around max's waist, and pulls him close into his chest. Even though they would never admit it, they where both secretly enjoying this....

As the questions went on and on, the truth or dare questions shot more and more dirty, and then it was Harrison's turn.

" Play 7 minutes in heaven with the person sat next to you of your choice." The card read.
Harrison looks to the right and left of him, and sees Nerrris and Spacekid staring back him. He then slowly stands up, takes Nerris' hand and leads her into the wardrobe.

Once in the wardrobe, they close the door and hear the silence around them. Tension builds as they both grow increasingly more uncomfortable.

"Uh" Harrison starts, "we don't have to do anything, ya know, we could just - Uh- stand here?"

Although you wouldn't. Be able to se it, Nerris smirks at his stupid adorableness and gets an idea.

"Now, now," she stays off, wondering what to say next, " we can't let a perfectly good time to do what I've wanted to do for a long time go to waste can we?" She says, tutting while hooping Harrison on the nose.

Harrison turns crimson in the darkness, which he was happy for, but you could still here the flustered tone in his voice when he says " w-what do you mean?"

"I mean.." Nerris says, moving closer and tracing her fingers up his back, making him shiver with delight, "this..."

Nerris smashes their lips together, loving every moment, and then loving it even more when he starts kissing back with no hesitation. She pushes in more with delight, but Harrison wasn't having any of it. He pushes her into the other side of the wardrobe, making her squeal with delight at his dominance.

"TIMES UP" they hear from outside, and pull away, panting and breathless.

"Wow you two REALLY got it ok didn't you?" Max says with a smirk while still curled up in a ball in Neil's arms. Neil was gently stroking the small boys arm with his finger and had his face buried in the Indians hair. Their faces where still flushed red, and ,judging by the way they where sitting, you would've thought that they were actually a couple. 

Harrison and Nerris go to sit down, and sit as far apart from each other as possible, but that was not very far apart.

A/N: Thank you for reading this, i hope you enjoyed it.  I don't know when the next chapter will be out since i'm pretty pre-occupied with school, but anyways, i hope you enjoyed it.

goodbye my guys, gals and non-binary pals


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