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ALICE SAT on top of the counter as the boys stuffed dozens of items that didn't seem to be needed for a small trip to the sewers but hey, the group was always waiting for something weird to pop up. "Take everything but the delicious deals guys, my mom loves them" Eddie said.

None of the group members seemed to listen to him making him groan before he looked over at Bill. "Hey, first you say the barrens and now you're saying the sewers. I mean, what if we get caught?" Eddie asked.

"We won't Ed's" Richie told Eddie making the petite boy roll his eyes at the nickname.

"The sew-sewers are p-p-public work, we are the pub-public aren't w-we?" Bill said making Eddie nod in agreement.

Alice rested her arms on top of Stan's shoulders and rested her chin on his curly hair that felt almost like a pillow. "Is all this stuff really necessary for a trip to the sewers?" Alice asked the group of boys as she twirled one of Stan's strand of hair around her finger.

Although Alice couldn't see Stan's face, the others could, and if you put a tomato next to Stan's face you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. "I-I guess so" Stan said, his voice cracking making Alice smile softly.

"Hey Eddie" Richie said as he held open a cabinet. "Are these your birth control pills?" Richie asked pointing at dozens of pill bottles with a grin.

Eddie walked over to Richie. "Yeah their for your sister" Eddie said.

"Flattered but you're more of a cousin to me, Eddie" Alice said.

Eddie kept his eyes on Richie, not bothering to tell Alice he was joking. "This is private stuff" He told the trashmouthed boy.

After the group had gotten their supplies, they had barely made their way out the front door before Eddie's mom called for him. "Eddie-bear" She said. "Where you guys off too?" She hummed.

"M-m-my backyard, Krs.K" Bill said. "I got a new,,,a-a new,," Bill was horrible at coming up with excuses.

Richie looked over at Mrs.Kaspbrak. "A new croquet set! Jeez spit it out blubber Bill" Richie said covering Bills back that made the group let out a relived sigh.

"Alright, don't go rolling in the grass if it's already been cut. You know how your allergies can get" The woman said. Eddie nodded as he went to leave but his mothers voice made him stop again. "Aren't you forgetting something?" His mom asked.

The back of Alice's hand was brought up to her mouth as she bit on one of her knuckle's to make sure she didn't laugh, Richie on the other hand was on the verge of bursting into laughter. Bill and Stan only had teasing smiles.

Eddie placed a small and quick kiss on his mother's cheek. Eddie walked back over to the group. "You want one from me too Mrs.K—" Richie was cut off as Eddie began shoving everyone out as Alice bursted into hysterics.

"Bye mommy!" Eddie exclaimed before closing the door.

Alice curled her curly mop of hair around her finger as the group walked closer to the barrens. "That's poison ivy, that's poison ivy, that's defiantly poison ivy" Stan said pointing at each plant.

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