T H I R T E E N !

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ALICE KNEW Stan's parents weren't home as she banged on Stans door. Soon Stan opened it and looked down at Alice's soaked body. "Alice, Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened?" Stan asked.

"It got Bev" Alice breathed out.

Stan looked over at Richie, Mike, Ben, and Bill waiting on their bikes. Stan looked down at Alice. "What are we waiting for them?" Stan asked. "Let's go get Beverly back" Stan said.

Alice stared at the moldy house swallowing down her fear, and her last experience at the fucking hell hole. Alice watched at It took Bev, Alice would never forgive herself if she didn't at least try to save Beverly.

Alice watched as Eddie threw his fannypack into the grass. "What was that for?" Alice asked him.

"They're gazebos" Eddie said looking up at the girl. The sun had dried off Alices' body and Alices' hair was still damp but her blue dress and black biker shorts still stuck to her. "They're bullshit" Eddie continued.

Alice nodded before a loud 'smash' was heard as Alice flinched and Richie held the top of a beer bottle. The group gave Richie weird looks. "The movies make it seem so easy" Richie shrugged as he threw the top to the side.

As the group neared the house, Alice could feel her fear growing her chest. Stans' grip was tight around Alice's hand and Alice forgot about her fear and focused on Stans'. Alice looked up at Stan. "Hey, don't worry, I'll be right by your side through the entire way" Alice said as she gave Stan a small smile, Stan returned it but it wasn't that genuine.

"Hey Eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie asked.

Eddie shook his head clutching onto his cast. "I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing" Eddie muttered.

Ben gripped the edge of the well and peeked his head over. "Beverly!" Ben shouted, Bens voice echoed but they never got a reply.

"Look there's a hole at the side!" Alice pointed out.

"How the hell are we even gonna get down there?" Richie asked looking over at his sister. Mike pulled out a rope from his bag that he carried and hooked it to the top where a hook was.

Mike tugged on it to make sure it would hold everyone and when the rope didn't snap, Mike tied it down and then gestured to the group to head down. "Alright lets go" Mike said.

First it was Stan, then it was Bill, then Ben, then Richie, then Eddie. Alice grabbed the rope before she heard Mike grunt after a 'thump' followed and Alice shouted as her hair was yanked back.

Alice stared in terror at the blood that covered Henry Bowers face and arms and the bloody knife he held against her throat. "Bastard!" She heard Richie shout.

Then the knife was yanked away from Alices' throat before she was tossed to the side. Alice fell to the ground and sucked air through her teeth as she had gotten a cut on her bicep. Henry was saying something as he began pulling up the rope.


"Grab the rope!"

Alice couldn't tell whose voices those were, everything was so high pitched, so static-y. "Mike! Alice!"

"Leave them alone!" Other voices she couldn't recognize.

Alice let out a soft moan as she rested her arm on the dirty floor, her head throbbing in pain as she turned and watched as Henry stalked towards a cowering Mike. Alice couldn't hear what Henry was saying but Alice knew Henry was probably bad mouthing Mikes' parents as the rage and fear grew in Mikes' eyes.

Suddenly Alice slowly stood up as she held a pipe. Alice rushed foreword with a shout and hit Henrys' back with the pipe making him fall to the ground. Mike scrambled away as Henry slowly stood back up. "What the fuck! He shouldn't even be standing!" Alice shouted.

Mike fumbled with the gun he had brought as Henry stared at the two menacingly. "You won't do i—" Henry was cut off as blood erupted from his stomach and he stumbled back near the well.

"Hey Bowers" Alice said as she took a step foreword. "A promise is a promise!" She shouted as she kicked Henry right in the chest sending him flailing down the well as bones being broken echoed down.

Alice huffed taking in deep breaths. "Mike? Alice?" Richie called out.

Alice grabbed the rope and hooked it back on the hook as Mike looked down at the group as they let out relieved sighs. "We're okay" Mike said.

Once Alice -who was the last one down- crawled into the hole, she looked around at the group with furrowed brows. "Wait, where's Stan?" Alice asked.

The group looked amongst theirselves and the fear Alice tried to push away was returning. "Shit,,,Stan!" Alice shouted as she crawled further down the tunnel.

"Stanley!" The group started calling for him as well.

The group continued walking, Alice felt a shiver go up her spine as she heard something. "Guys" Alice said as she followed the noises. Something in the shadows was moving. "Bill, your flashlight!" Alice shouted.

Bill raised the flashlight and a woman with a deformed face pulled away from its victim, Alice shouted as Stan took in deep breaths staring at the monster in fear. "Stanley!" Alice shouted.

The creature scattered further into the sewer and Alice didn't think twice before running to Stan, Alice cupped his face as he cried. "Stan, Stan, look at me" Alice said trying to make Stan's eyes pry away from the deformed woman.

Alice's hands were shaking against his jaw. The group screamed at the lady and she disappeared into the darkness. The others ran towards the duo. "Stan, it's okay" Alice said.

"No! It's not okay" Stan snapped as his tears continued. "You left me" He said to the group. "You aren't my friends. You made me go, you made me go!" Stan sobbed.

Alice blinked at her glossy eyes as she hugged Stan having his head rest on her shoulder. "I'm sorry" Alice whispered, closing her eyes tightly.

"You made me go to Neibolt" Stan said, his voice breaking.

"We would never let anything happen to you" Richie said his hand resting on Stans shoulder. "We're here" Richie comforted.

Alice pulled away as she sniffed looking into Stan's eyes. "You know I wouldn't do that to you, Stan. Come on" Alice whispered as her arms were wrapped around his waist and her head was resting on his shoulder.

Bill had then left the group and tried to look for the clown that had disappeared behind the rocky wall. Alice really hoped no-one was going to die.

ugh this chapter feels so
cringeworthy 😔😔😔

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