T H R E E !

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ALICE HAD gotten to the sewers on top of Richie's bike since hers had a flat tire. Now Richie was giving a ride to the bleeding boy (whose name they finally found out was Ben) while Alice tried her best to hold onto Stan as he peddled down the rocky road.

Alice's grip was a bit tight around Stan's waist but only so she wouldn't fall. "Are you actually gonna look for them? The missing kids?" Stan whispered to Alice, not wanting the group to hear.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Alice asked before resting her chin on his shoulder. "I'm quite scared honestly, all these missing kids are all so random, there's no targets and they're all around our age or younger or older. I don't even know if we can even find their bodies, I just—I just don't want you and the others to suddenly go missing and never knowing what or who took you" She said.

Stanley had heard the crack in her voice and guessed he should leave it alone. It was such a specific reason, a goal, maybe because she lost Betty to whatever took the other kids.

Stanley stopped his bike at the alleyway right next to the pharmacy and helped set Ben down on some tires. "Ri-Richie, Alice, wait h-here" Bill said.

Alice sat patiently on the floor as Richie threw his hands up into the air. "Oh come on" Richie pouted. Richie then looked over at Ben. "Glad I got to meet you before you died" Richie said.

Ben looked at Richie in confusion as Alice stood up and hit the back of Richie's head. "Beep, beep, Richie" Alice said glaring at him.

After a few minutes or less Eddie, Bill, and Stan came running out with supplies. "Did you guys really buy all that stuff?" Alice asked with a raised brow.

"We stole it" Eddie said, breaking under pressure.

"You what?!" god they were going to be the death of Alice.

Stan sighed at Alice's obvious anger. "One job Eddie, just one" Stan said. Eddie then kneeled down in front of Ben as he lifted up his shirt, the tension grew as everyone's face's paled.

A large H was carved into Ben's stomach, Alice covered her mouth with her hand not wanting to empty her already half empty stomach. "Oh god" Alice whispered. "I'll kill him, I'll fucking kill him" Alice told Ben.

Richie and Eddie began bickering at each other and Alice couldn't help but let her mind trace back to Betty's shoe, to Betty herself.

Alice slurped on the coke slushee and scrunched up her nose at the rather disgusting taste, Betty Ripsom sat in front of her mimicking Alice's actions after she took a sip of the slushee. "God we need to pick out something other than coke slushees" Betty said.

"We always do but coke just keeps calling us back" Alice shrugged as she began nibbling on the red straw. "Did you hear about the new rumor Henry's spreading about Beverly?" Alice asked her friend.

Betty nodded with a solemn look. "I've met Beverly once, she was really sweet! There's no way those rumors are true besides who even believes the shit Bowers says?" Betty asked.

Alice sighed. "My brother and his friends" She said as she leaned back into the red cushion laid on top of the chair. "I mean, god, Bill knew Beverly in the third grade! And they hate Bowers's guts, why'd they believe rumors Bowers started?" Alice asked.

Betty shrugged. "I have no idea. Anyways it's time to continue with my daily question" Betty said causing Alice to groan and roll her eyes playfully at Betty. "Whose your crush?" Betty asked, her eyes narrowing at Alice.

Alice took another sip of her slushee, it was even worse the third time. "Nobody" Alice said. Alice wasn't necessarily lying, she just didn't know if she had a crush.

"Impossible, there's gotta be someone that makes your heart race! Your palms sweaty! Someone that you want to spend every second with" Betty said.

Alice raised a brow. "You know a lot about this crush thing, Betty" Alice said.

"Eddie Corcoran, is a very handsome boy mind you" Betty said causing Alice to laugh.

Alice then began playing with her straw as she felt her face grow warm. "Now that you mentioned all those things, I think I do have a crush. But it's so embarrassing" Alice whined letting her head softly hit the marble table.

Alice then looked at her watch and began grabbing her backpack and slushee. "Oh shit! I'm gonna be late, for hanging out with Richie and the others" Alice said.

"Alice wait! Alice, please, you have to tell me who you like, you can't just leave me on this cliffhanger!" Betty begged.

Alice smiled at her friend. "Tomorrow, I promise! I promise to tell you tomorrow!" Alice said before running out the door.

"Alice" Alice's head shot up to look over at Stan. "You alright? You seemed to be daydreaming for a bit" Stan said.

Alice modded. "Yep, I'm fine" Alice said. Truth be told, she didn't know how she felt.

"Well you missed out on our entire conversation with Beverly Marsh" Richie said.

"Speaking of Beverly. Nice going bringing up Bowers in front of her" Stan said.

Richie looked at Stan confused. "What it's true! Ben ran into Henry!" Richie said. Alice sighed at the bickering, she was too tired for this.

"Did you hear what she did?" Eddie asked. Alice scoffed, they were gonna tell Ben those stupid unbelievable rumors.

"No, what'd she do?" Ben asked looking up at Richie.

Richie guffawed. "More like who'd she do! I heard the list is longer than my wang" Richie said, causing Alice to roll her eyes.

"That's not saying much" Stan retorted causing Alice to smile and chuckle.

Bill seemed to be defensive about Beverly. "They're j-j-just rumors" Bill said.

Richie began telling Ben something that made Ben glance down at the floor. Alice then stood up and stretched. "Anyways, I'm gonna head home now. Next time Bowers comes after you, tell him you know me, he'll lay off or he'll know I'll make him" Alice said giving Ben a soft smile.

"Thanks" Ben said as the relief in his voice was obvious. Alice finger gunned the group as she went towards Richie's bike.

"Alice wait up!" Stan shouted as he jogged over to the brunette. "Uh, we're-we're planning to go to the quarry tomorrow. Do you want to come?" Stan asked.

Alice smirked. "I think I would have to come anyways 'cause of Richie, but thanks for the offer, Stan the man" Alice said as Richie hopped onto his bike and Alice gripped his shoulders as she stood on the back pipes.

"See you there, Alice in wonderland" Stan said as he waved bye to Alice.

Alice smiled softly at the nickname as butterflies grew in her stomach, maybe she'd only allow Stan to call her 'Alice in wonderland'.

Me: Alice isn't good with her feelings :)

Alice: I'm gonna fight the thing that's taking away the kids and teenagers in Derry because it took my best friend Betty and I don't wanna loose the others, Richie, or you even if it means I die trying :)

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