T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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ALICE HAD walked infront of Ashley and Judy, Beverly walked behind the trio. Alice hopped down into the murky gray water below and winced as the memory of what she saw last time she was in gray water.

The memory of Patrick Hocksetters decaying face never left Alices' mind. Alice then trudged foreword as a hill stood in the middle of the gray water. "What was that thing about gray water again, Eddie?" Alice asked trying to lighten up the mood.

Eddie groaned softly, and Alice smiled. "Isn't like millions of gallons of piss and shit?" Alice asked.

"If we weren't in this deathly situation, I would so strangle you" Eddie said glaring at the brunette woman.

Alice laughed softly, "sure Eddie" Alice said before stepping onto the hill helping Ashley get on top of it.

Soon Beverly stopped and Alice looked over at her. Beverly and Judy were the only ones in the water now. "What is it?" Judy asked.

"I thought I heard something" Beverly said before shaking the feeling off.

Soon a monstrous, old lady grabbed onto Beverly and Judy causing the group to shout. "Judy!" Ashley shouted as she splashed into the water.

"Time to sink!" The old woman said and before Ashley could grab Judy, the old woman pulled Judy and Beverly down into the water.

"Eddie stay with Ashley! Ashley stay up here!" Alice said. Ashley opened her mouth to say something but Alice pointed a finger at her, "that's an order!" Alice said before diving into the water along with the others as Eddie pulled Ashley out of the gray water.

"Ashley?" Eddie said.

Ashley sniffed, "what if Judy ends up like dad? I shouldn't have brought her with me" Ashley sobbed. "I should've told Patty to stay with Judy" Ashley cried.

Eddie hugged the girl tightly. "After this, I promise you'll see your dad and Judy perfectly fine" Eddie said.

Before Ashley could say anything else Alice came up from the water taking in a deep breath as she, along with Mike, held a coughing Judy as Richie told Judy to take in deep breaths. Soon Bill and Ben emerged, helping Beverly up to the surface.

Ashley than ran over to Judy and tightly hugged her. "Judy, oh my god, are you okay?" Ashley asked.

"I just got dragged down by an old naked woman, Ash! I am far from okay at this point" Judy responded as she hugged back Ashley. "I'm starting to think this isn't your everyday reunion party" Judy said causing a small smile to spread on Ashley's lips.

Alice opened up the manhole in the ground. "Whose first?" Alice asked. First it was Bill, then it was Alice, then Mike.

"Mike, where are we going from here?" Ashley asked.

Mike stared at Ashley and Judy whose hands were tightly intertwined together, Mike could practically feel the girls fear. "By hiding in the depths, we must find faith" Mike said.

"Kinda cryptic but okay" Judy shrugged.

"So it's okay?" Eddie asked.

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