T W E N T Y - N I N E !

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your prayers weren't
answered for Alice
my dudes 😔


ALICE SLAMMED the door shut and locked it. She could hear the sounds of the clowns claws scraping against the narrow hall of the cave. Alice let out a deep breath, before looking around the pitch black room.

God, it made her feel as if she was twelve years old again, back in the basement, back in that room in Neibolt. The horrifying memories that her younger self tried to repress, tried to hide from the others as she did not want to warn the others when they had too much on their plates.

Alice then waved her arms around, feeling for a beaded string. Once Alice felt it, she tugged on it. The room was soon dimly lit and Alice stumbled back in fear.

A figure that was crouched down slowly stood up, their brown curly hair stopped at their neck, a baby blue shirt (that was covered in dirt, blood, and sewage) tucked into black shorts, along with black converse. It was the same outfit Alice wore when,,,

Alice let out a small gasp when the figure turned around; it was her younger self but her face was covered in blood, her eyes were sunken in as they looked as dull as a dolls eyes, her arms had scratches (some light, others deep), a rusted heart shaped locket hanged around her neck as maggots crawled on her skin.

"I couldn't save her" The younger Alice said. "I couldn't save her" she repeated as she fell to the ground. "I couldn't save her" she kept saying it as if the words had burned theirselves into her brain, the guilt had drowned her, buried her to far down to the point where she believed it.

"No, no that's not true!" Alice exclaimed walking towards her younger self. Younger Alice held her head in her hands.

"Its all my fault" Younger Alice cried. "It's all my fault, it's all my fault" she repeated.

Alice crouched down as she grabbed her younger selfs wrists. "I couldn't save them! I couldn't save them!" Younger Alice screamed, black goo pouring from her mouth and her eyes, as the goo slowly burned away at the rocks below.

Alice stumbled back as her younger self looked up, her eyes now a deep pitch black and her mouth hanged open as the goo continued to spill. A silver string seemed to wrap around younger Alices neck as it chained her to the wall, small gags and soft gasps for air were heard.

"I couldn't save myself" Alices younger self croaked out and Alice covered her mouth to muffle her cry of terror. Alice grabbed a pipe and slowly stood with it in her hands.

Alice lifted the pipe above her head. "I couldn't save anyone" Her younger self cried, she looked up and her pitch black eyes were glossed over, tears mixing with the black goo. "I deserve this, I deserve to be punished" Younger Alice said, her voice breaking.

Alice kept the pipe above her head, "why can't I—"

"Because you believe me" her younger selfs frown grew into a comically large frown. "You believe me! You believe me!" She said, as if she had gone mad.

Alice let out a soft breath as the pipe clattered to the ground. "You know I'm right!" Her younger self cried.

"You think it sees us?" Eddie asked.

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