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ALICE WAS daydreaming the next day.

"Are you seriously not gonna tell me your crush?" Betty asked as she sipped on her coke slushee. "You've left me hanging since yesterday" Betty whined.

Alice smiled. "Okay fine I'll tell you" Alice said. "It's—uhm, it's Stanley. Stanley Uris" Alice said.

Betty seemed to freeze. "Oh my god!" Betty squealed. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" Betty said. "I knew it! That's why he's your favorite!" She said.

Alice felt her face warm up. "Betty! Calm down!" She said.

A small boy with brown hair and bright blue eyes stood in front of the table. "Uhm, could you tell your friend to tone it down, Alice?" The boy asked.

Alice grabbed Betty's shoulders. "Of course, sorry Petey" She said with a smile.

The phone ringing at the counter made Alice snap out of her day dream as she went towards the phone and picked up and put it against her ear. "Tozier residence, Alice speaking" She said as she twirled one of her curls around her finger.

"Al—Alice, hey"

Alice stood up straight at Beverly's voice, she sounded scared and that she had just cried. Or maybe she was crying already? Alice didn't know at all but she knew was that Beverly wasn't okay. "Hey, hey, deep breaths, deep breaths" Alice said.

Beverly took Alice's instructions. "I need you and the others to come over to my house, like, right now" Beverly said.

Now it's gotta be serious if Beverly wants everyone including Richie, what made Beverly so scared. Had she seen the clown too? Alice had to make sure to ask Beverly that later. "Uh, Yeah. Yeah, what's the address?" Alice said as she took out a piece of paper and a pen.

Alice scribbled the address down the torn sheet of paper, the handwriting looked like a doctor writing a prescription. Maybe that's why she had gotten a 'C' in English. "We'll be right over" Alice said as the line soon went dead and Alice hanged up the phone.

"Yo, Richie! We gotta go!" Alice shouted as she heard an agitated groan coming from her brothers room as the door swung open.

"Fine" Richie muttered.

The 'terrible twins' arrived along with the others as Alice held up the address next to an apartment building. "As horrible as my handwriting is, it's the right place" Alice commented.

The group walked their bikes towards the apartment and Beverly was running down the steps. Beverly stopped in front of the group, panting. "I need to show you guys something" She said.

"More than what we saw at the quarry?" Richie said as he adjusted his glasses with a smirk causing Alice to turn to Stan and stick her finger in her mouth, not all the way, and pretended to gag. Stan smiled softly at her.

"Shut up, Richie! Just shut up!" Eddie snapped at Richie.

"But,,my dad will kill me if he found out I had boys in the apartment" Beverly said softly, it sounded like she was terrified of what he dad had in stored for her if he found out the boys were in the apartment.

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