T W E N T Y !

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THE GROUP of adults were kicked out of the restaurant as they walked towards the exit. "Okay what the fuck was that" Richie said. Alice kept quiet as she hugged herself, the gesture seemed so familiar to the group.

Beverly squeezed Alices arm in a comforting manner, if Stan was here he would've been able to comfort Alice in an instant. "I'm really sorry" Beverly said quietly to Alice. "I know how close you two were when we were kids" Beverly said, and Alice sniffed.

"The funs just beginning"

The group of adults turned in horror to see a little kid with brown hair, pants, a denim jacket with a white shirt underneath. "What?" Richie asked as Eddie coward behind Ben and Alice.

"The funs just beginning?" The little boy repeated.

Richie then grabbed the young boy by his jacks. "You listen hear you little shit! I'm not afraid of you!" Richie said jabbing his finger on the boys chest.

The little boy furrowed his brows. "The funs just beginning, that's one of your line from your show. I'm a huge fan" The boy said.

"Richie" Alice muttered.

Richie then looked up at a couple approaching. "Are those your parents?" He asked and the boy nodded. "You want a picture?" Richie asked.

The couple asked the little boy if he was okay. "I'm good" The boy said.

Alice rushed foreword. "I'm so sorry about my brother, he's been drinking and he gets all jumpy when he's drunk" Alice said. "As an officer I'll be sure to look after him and safely drive him home" Alice said.

The woman and man nodded. "I'm really sorry, little boy" Alice said giving a small glare to Richie.

"Dean" The boy said.

"I'm Alice" Alice said before ruffling the kids hair before standing up. "Cute kid" She said before grabbing Richie's arm and dragging him with the others.

"How can you not remember a line from your own show?" Bill asked.

"I don't write my material" Richie shrugged.

Eddie paused for a second before pointing a finger at Richie. "I knew it! I fucking knew it!" Eddie exclaimed.

Beverly was talking with Patricia talking with her on the phone. Soon Beverly turned to Alice. "She wants to talk to you" Beverly said.

Alice took in a deep breath as she grabbed the phone, trying to tone out Richie and Eddie telling Mike they were going to leave. "Patty?" Alice asked.

"Mom! Mom, oh my god!" Ashley's voice was heard and Alice wanted to cry. "It was so horrible! Dad-Dad was bleeding out when I went to brush my teeth and I opened the door and he was just laying there in the tub! He looked dead!" Ashley shouted her voice breaking.

Alice sniffed. "Baby, I'm so sorry you had to see that" Alice apologized. "Is your father—is your father okay?" Alice asked.

Ashley wiped her eyes. "Yeah, the paramedics said it was a miracle I was there. Any longer and he—and dad would've been,,," Ashley soon broke into sobs and Alice could hear Judy trying to calm down the girl. "Mom where are you?" Ashley asked.

"Derry, Maine" Alice said. "I'll try to come as soon as possible, please try to stay put" Alice said.

"But mom—"

"Ashley no, please, it's not sa—" Alice cut herself off. "I'll be home shortly" Alice said before saying a quick goodbye and I love you.

Alice then hanged up as she turned to the group. "Stan" She said looking at Beverly answering her question earlier handing Beverly back her phone. "My husband's Stan. Our daughter found him when he tried to—when he tried to,," Alice trialed off as the tears welled in her eyes.

Richie hugged Alice tightly as she sobbed onto her brothers shoulder. "Come on, we're leaving" Richie said.

Alice sniffed as she pulled away. "Richie the kids, the people" Alice breathed out. "They don't know what they're facing, we can't just leave" Alice said.

"You have too much on your plate right now" Richie said. "Your daughter walked in on seeing her father tried to kill himself, your husband tried to kill himself, and you want to sacrifice yourself for people you don't even remember" Richie said trying to keep the conversation between the two. "Your daughter needs you more than Derry does right now" Richie said.

Alice nodded before apologizing to Mike for not being able to save Derry once again. Alice sat in Richie's passenger seat as Richie drive off back to the townhall to grab their stuff.

Richie and Eddie went upstairs to grab their stuff as Alice sat at the bottom of the steps. Alice took out her phone and called Ashley, she didn't answer.

Alice decided to put in a voicemail. "Hey, um, I'm really sorry" Alice apologized. "I'm really, really sorry that I wasn't there. I shouldn't have listened to your fathers excuse of staying because of work—if I had known he didn't want to come this badly I,,,he wouldn't be in the hospital" Alice said as she rubbed her eyes with her index and thumb. "I'm so fucking sorry Ashley, just please, please stay safe along with Judy" Alice said before hanging up.

Soon the door opened and Ben was following Beverly as she grabbed a drink from the bar. Richie soon joined Alice and the two went to leave. "Eduardo, andale, lets go!" Richie shouted.

"Beverly come on, I know you said it before Patty did. You said bathtub before Patty did, how did you know?" Ben asked.

Alice froze and the terror twins turned to look at Beverly. "What?" They asked in unison.

"Beverly" Alice started as she stepped foreword. "What did you actually see in that vision twenty seven years ago? I'd like all the details" Alice said. "Please."

Beverly stared at Alice. Beverly could never turn down Alice when she said 'please', it practically sounded like a puppy dog whining. "Okay" Beverly said as she sighed. "I'll tell you everything" She said.

Eddie then came tumbling down the steps. "All I need is my other bag and we're good to go—" Eddie cut himself off as the four adults stared back at him. "What did I miss?" Eddie asked.

did you really think I was going to
kill off the love of Alice's life: Stanley Uris?
Never judge a book by its cover

AUTHORS NOTE did you really think I was going to kill off the love of Alice's life: Stanley Uris? Never judge a book by its cover

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