T W E N T Y - O N E !

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ALICE SAT in a chair across from Beverly as she had told the group what she saw: all of them dying. "The girl that I told you all about, back then, she was there too. I-I've seen us all die even her" Beverly said. "I don't even know who she is, only that she's too young for us to even know about her and she shouldn't be there" Beverly said.

"What does the girl look like?" Alice asked as Richie and Eddie had a separate conversation/argument.

Beverly rubbed her temple. "I can't remember it's a bit fuzzy. Brown curly hair? I only remember her hair" Beverly said.

Alice nodded to herself, soon the door swung open and the group of adults turned to see Bill and Mike walking into the building. "What's going on h-here?" Bill asked.

"You might want to sit down for this" Alice said pointing to the sofa next to the chair Alice was sitting on.

Bill rubbed the corners of his mouth and Mike stood up. "This is why we need to perform the ritual" Mike said.

"Ritual? What ritual?" Richie asked.

"The Ritual of Chüd, it will be able to defeat It" Mike said. "For good" Mike said.

"The sooner we do this, the sooner I can go back to Ashley" Alice said immediately joining Mikes plan, it made Mike smile at the familiarity. "What do we need to do?" Alice asked.

"The ritual needs eight artifacts, something that we cherish or have a deep connection with, something that brings the bad and good memories together" Mike said.

Alice opened her mouth to say something but she squinted her eyes as headlights blinded her from outside. Once Alices eyes adjusted to the bright light she heard a car door slam. "Did you guys invite anyone else?" Mike asked.

The adults shook their head.

The door was then swung open and two teenage girls stood at the door. Alice stood up from her seat. "Ashley! Judy!" Alice shouted.

The two girl turned to Alice. "Mom!"


Ashley and Judy shouted before hugging Alice tightly. "I told you both to stay at the house, it's too dangerous out here. How did you even get here?" Alice asked.

"You said you'd be coming to Derry! After you said you would come home and you didn't answer my texts, I had to come looking for you" Ashley said.

Alice sighed. "Reminds me of someone" Eddie said.

"Okay I get it I was a reckless kid" Alice said scrunching up her nose at Eddie before turning back to a confused Ashley and Judy.


"Alice" Alice corrected.

"Alice" Judy said. "Who are they?" She asked gesturing to the group of adults.

Richie placed a hand over his heart in fake hurt. "You didn't tell your girlfriend about your favorite godfather?" Richie asked Ashley.

"You're my only godfather" Ashley said.

Mike cleared his throat. "Oh right. Ashley, Judy, these are mine and Stan's old friends back when we were kids" Alice said. "The Losers Club" She said with a small smile.

"Richie came up with it" Ben said.

"I thought it was fucking cleaver" Richie said.

"No wonder you can't write your own fucking material, it's shit" Eddie said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why you little—"

"Can we please focus on the task at hand?" Mike asked. "Because we have to do this in order to save ourselves and Derry" Mike said.

Alice looked down at Ashley and Judy. "Uh, What?" Judy asked.

Alice had taken notice that Beverly had been deathly quite this whole time. "Bev?" Alice asked walking towards the red headed woman.

Beverly tore her gaze away from Ashley and turned to Alice. "That's the girl" Beverly whispered and fear struck Alices chest. "Ashley,,shes the girl I saw with us" Beverly said.

"What?" Alice whispered.

Beverly nodded and Alice looked over at Ashley who was being scolded by Richie for going against Alices wishes. "She looks just like the girl I saw" Beverly said.

Alice covered her mouth with her hand as she turned to look at Beverly. "We have to keep her away from Neibolt, from the clown" Alice said. "She's fifteen—Ashley couldn't even handle a fight at school, how's she—oh god, how's she going to stay alive" Alice said softly her eyes growing glossy.

Beverly then watched as Ashley's eyes furrowed. "What is it?" Beverly asked.

"You only saw Ashley?" Alice asked and Beverly nodded. Alice turned to look at Judy who was standing next to Ashley. "Then what—what happened to Judy?" Alice whispered.

Alice turned back to Beverly. "Why didn't you see Judy?" Alice asked.

The two woman were dragged into silence as they stared at Ashley and Judy. What didn't Beverly see Judy and only saw Ashley?

This is so bad like ugh
:( I couldn't even remember
what happened during the
town hall scene. BUT
why didn't Beverly see Judy???
The world will never know,,,or
will it 🙃🙃🤐🤐😉😉

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