T W E L V E !

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ALICE LAID on Beverly's couch with a smile. "He's just amazing" Alice sighed about Stan. "He took me to get a cherry slushee and we talked about his speech at his Bar Mitzvah" Alice said.

It had been a week since Alice and Stan went to the park and Stan was worried about his speech at the time, Alice told him to say whatever he felt like saying. So when Alice and Richie went to Stan's Bar Mitzvah the other day, they didn't expect to hear Stan insult the adults of Derry and his dad (which Alice and Richie applauded but a woman pulled them down).

Stan had later thanked Alice for telling him, he should rather say what he wanted to say. After that they went to get a coke slushee.

"I'd like to remind you this is because I dialed Stan's phone number" Beverly said with a cheeky smile.

"You're the best wing woman ever" Alice said as she hugged Beverly and placed a platonic kiss on her temple causing Beverly to smile and giggle. "What would I do without you?" Alice asked. "I'll get us some snacks real quick" Alice said before walking off into Beverly's kitchen

Soon the front door opened and Beverly tensed up. Beverly glanced over at the clock. "Shit" She muttered as she went to head to the kitchen to sneak out Alice.

"You look all prettied up"

Beverly turned to face her father, Alvin Marsh, as he stood a few meter in front of her. "I'm not prettied up, daddy. I wear this almost everyday" Beverly said referring to the white dress she was wearing, and the red biker shorts she had underneath.

"Come here" Alvin said, Beverly took small steps foreword before resting her head on his chest. Alvin ran his hands through his daughters hair. "You know I worry about you, Bevvie" Alvin said.

"I know" Beverly whispered.

"Hey Bev, I'm gonna run down to 7-11 real quick to get a snack. Do you—" Alice cut herself off as she stared at Alvin and let out a noise. "Want anything" Alice finished in a hushed voice.

"You're the girl the whole towns talking about. Hanging around with boy filled group, you and Bev are the only girls" Alvin said.

Alice clutched her hands into fists behind her back, immediately understanding what Beverly's father was saying. "It's not like that, sir! They're my brothers friends, my brother is even in the group. I assure you Mr.Marsh nothing is happening to Beverly" Alice said not wanting to loose another friend.

Alvin then pulled out a postcard, the same postcard Ben had in his backpack. "What's this then?" Alvin asked staring down at Alice. Alice suddenly froze, she didn't know but would he believe her?

"It's just a poem" Beverly said.

"Just a poem? That you were hiding in her underwear drawer?" Alvin asked. Alice wanted to know why Beverlys' father was looking through Beverlys' own underwear drawer. "Why would you have it hide it there?" Alvin paused as he grabbed his daughters wrist. "Are you still my little girl?" Alvin asked.

Beverly grabbed at her arm trying to pull it away, Alice took a step foreword. "No" Beverly said.

"What did you say?" Alvin asked as he seemed to become a whole lot scarier.

"I said no!" Beverly said before being thrown at the ironing board. "Alice run!" Beverly shouted.

Alice scrambled away as Alvin walked over to Beverly. "No! No! Get away!" Beverly shouted as he grabbed her ankles.

"Those boys do they know you're—"

A loud 'crash' cut Alvin off as he fell to the ground clutching his head. Alice stood above Beverly shuddering taking in deep breaths as she held a tray, her hands were shaking as she suddenly dropped it.

Beverly grabbed Alice's wrist and ran to the bathroom. Beverly slammed the door shut and locked it. Alice backed into the wall as she stared at the window, Alice pulled up the window and threw her leg over it. The entrance was just a few centimeters away from her feet, Alice turned back to Beverly and outstretched her hand. "Come on!" Alice shouted.

Beverly shook her head. "You go, I-I-I'll keep him distracted" Beverly said, the footsteps were getting close.

"No way am I leaving you here with that fucking creep" Alice whisper shouted. "You're my wingwoman,,,you're my friend" Alice said.

As the footsteps etched closer Beverly suddenly tore off the cover on the toilet and stepped inside the tub and pulled over the curtains. Alice shut her eyes as the door handle jiggled for a bit before the footsteps faded.

Than a loud 'bang' was heard and the door was forced open both girls flinched as the footsteps grew closer. Alice covered her mouth with her hand to mute her shuddering breaths.

The curtain was pulled open and Beverly let out a grunt as she smashed the toilet cover on Alvin's head. The man fell to the ground as blood poured below him, groaning.

"Beverly!" Alice shouted.

Beverly turned as It grabbed her by the throat and stared at Alice menacingly. "I told you I keep my promises" It cackled before Alice suddenly felt like she was trapped underwater, with no escape.

Bill walked inside Beverlys' apartment, Beverly and Alice had called Bill to hang out while Beverlys dad was gonna be gone for a while. Bill was late and when he stepped inside to apologize he heard water being splashed around.

Bill soon followed the thrashing to see water flowing out of the tub and Beverly's dad laying dead on the floor. Bill rushed into the room only to see YOU'LL DIE IF YOU TRY written in the mans blood.

Hands gripped at the sides of the tub as if the person in it was being drowned. Bill rushed over and grabbed the person pulling them up as Alice Tozier took in deep breaths. "Look out!" She shouted before looking down at Alvin's body and the message written in blood. "Fuck" Alice whispered. "Fuck!" Alice exclaimed.

"A-A-Alice! What-What happened" Bill asked gripping the shaking girls shoulders.

Alice sniffed as she climbed out the tub her clothes now soaking wet and her shoes squeaking. "Beverlys' dad was going on about how the town thought Beverly was doing stuff with you and the others and me, I told him it was false. He grabbed Bev and I hit him with a tray and we ran in here and I wouldn't leave her and then she killed her dad and then—and then the fucking clown. The fucking clown showed up! The clown took Bev, Bill! It took Bev!" Alice exclaimed.

Bill looked up at the blood written message. "Then we g-get her back" Bill said. "We ha-have to get the others" Bill said and Alice nodded.


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