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BILL STOOD in front of the moldy house when Alice dropped her bike. "Bill wait!" Alice shouted. Bill turned to the girl as she was taking in slow breaths. "I said I was gonna help you find those missing kids, they don't deserve to stay missing" Alice said.

"R-r-remember whatever we s-see in there it isn't real" Bill said.

Alice nodded as the two were gonna take a step further before Beverly called out to them. "Bill! Alice! You can't go in there. This is crazy" Beverly said.

"Look, you don't have to come in with me, but what happens when another Georgie goes missing, or another Betty or another Ed Corcoran or one of us?" Bill asked and Alice looked down at the ground. "Are you just going to pretend it didn't happen like everyone else in this town? Because I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there,
his clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals
but he isn't. So walking into this house for me,,,it's easier that walking into my own" Bill said.

"Wow" Richie whispered.

"What?" Beverly asked.

"He didn't stutter once" Richie said.

Once Bill turned around and Alice decided to go with Bill, Stan spoke up. "Wait!" He said gaining everyone's attention. "Shouldn't we have some people keep watch? Just in case something bad happens?" Stan asked.

"Wh-wh-who wants to stay out here?" Bill asked.

Everyone's but Beverly's and Alice's hands went up.

Bill was the first one to walk inside the house, Richie and Eddie followed behind him as Alice nervously chewed on her finger nails watching them disappear into the decaying building.

Alice wished it was only her that drew the short straw, the absolute terror on Richie and Eddie's faces made Alice want to trade spots with them both but she knew they'd refuse to let Alice sacrifice herself.

It was only four minutes before Alice stepped onto a step, she was gonna walk inside the house before a hand grabbed her own. "Bill said to wait out here, Alice" Stan said.

Alice didn't look at Stan, she would've done anything for Stan even if it meant letting her brother and his two friends go inside the dangerous building, Stan could hypnotize Alice with his pleading eyes and Alice would fall for it every time. But Alice refused to let the boy she liked hypnotize her once again.

"It's been too long, what if something bad happened to them already? What if they're dead? What if—"

Stan squeezed her hand and Alice listened to her heart instead of her head as she turned to look down at Stan, those fucking warm brown eyes were filled with unsaid pleads. "Alice, it isn't safe" Stan said.

Alice let out a shaky breath. "I'll be in and out in a few seconds, I promise, I'll just get them out of there" Alice said.

Stan then let go of her hand. "I trust you" He said.

Alice smiled softly before running inside the house and up the stairs, it looked like maze. "Bill? Richie? Eddie?" Alice shouted, her fast movements turned slow. "Guys come on!" Alice said.

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