"We're so freaking late!"

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Hunter 3rd POV

Hunter hated mornings. It meant that she had to go to school. Not that she didn't like school, but she already knew everything! What was the point? You have your friends there! Right. She was doing it for her friends. And, she kinda enjoyed pointing the mistakes of the teachers. That's why, when her aunt May came in her room to wake her up in panic, she groaned and tried to get back to sleep.

"Hunter, you're going to be late for school!", May cried, shaking her.

"Mmmh... Stop... 'Wanna sleep...," she just replied, her hair in the mouth. Eww, she though.

"You have 30 minutes to run to school!", May replied. The teenager stood her quickly.

"Shit!", she screamed.

"Hey! No swear words young lady!", said her aunt. The young girl, ran into the appartement to brush her teeth and get ready. She saw Peter doing the same. She chuckled a bit and quickly took clothes. 

She quickly putted two toast in the toaster and ran to brush her hair

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She quickly putted two toast in the toaster and ran to brush her hair. Peter was putting deodorant as quick as he could.

"I put toast, get one!", she said.

"Ok, thanks sis!", he said back, running in the kitchen. She did a messy bun in her hair and ran back to take her "breakfast". She took the bread and kissed her aunt's cheek.

"See ya, aunt May!", she said quickly, as her brother did the same. She took her keys and rapidly got out. She ran down the stairs, her brother at the heels. They passed their neighbor, that smiled at them.

"Hi mister Lee!", they screamed. The old man smiled and waved.

"Those kids...," he murmured, smirking. Their bag on their backs, they ran in the lobby, where Aero was waiting for them, like every morning.

"Finally! Took you long enough!", Aero said.

"We nearly just woke up! Give us space!", said Peter, joking.

"Yeah, well, I spilled my coffee, parker, so shut your face hole." Aero replies. He just pulled out his tongue at her.

"Guyyyyyys! We're already late! We need to run!", reminded Hunter to her friends.

"But! But, my coffeeeeeee!" Aero panics.

"We can stop at a Starbucks! C'mon!", the youngest replied, pulling their hands toward the exit. They walk rapidly and when they see the shop, Aero stars sprinting towards it. The siblings laughs a bit and get inside. They see their friend buying a coffee, and they go do the same.

"Hi, what can I get you?" the waitress asks.

"Mmh... I'll get a Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappuccino, please!" says Peter.

"And I'll get a Strawberry Frappuccino, please!" Hunter replies.

"At what name?" the lady asks.

"Parker," they reply. 

"You can wait on the side, your command is getting ready," she says, with a fake smile. They go join the red-head while the barista screams a "next!".

"What's our class now?" asks Peter to their friend.

"Uhh...Geometry. Can I just skip? My grade is up enough! It wont effect me that much." Aero says. Peter just glares at her. She shrugged.

"It was worth a try!"

"Yeah, whatever," he said, smirking. Hunter sighed. They grabbed their drinks and Hunter cringed at the name they wrote. It was written: Parrquer. 

"It's not fair at all. My classes are full of stupid guys. And you're with Ned and Mj. Not. Fair," she says, crossing her arms.

"Oh, c'mon, Hunter! Don't be like that!", her brother said.

"Yeah! Besides, we have lunch period together," added Aero, optimistic.

"I guess," the younger responded, drinking her command.

"What time is it?", asked her brother. 

Aero looked at her phone, but Hunter knew they probably missed half of their first period.

"Shit! We gotta go!", she half yells, and they all sprinted to the school.


Alex here! Thanks for reading! The chapters will be longer we just need to get confortable! 


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