New York

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Hunter 3rd POV

The flight was very smooth, everything was doing alright. Aero was sleeping on Peter's shoulder while he was beside Hunter and Hunter was in sandwich between her brother and Shuri. The girl was blabbering to Shuri about life in New-York and she was really excited. 

"We're here," said Happy. Hunter flashed him a smile- which he responded with a slight smile- and took Shuri's hand and flashed a smile to her. She always did this with Aero. (Peter also woke up Aero with a kiss- it was way to cute-)

"Peteeeeeerrrrr," Aero whined.

Peter grabbed her hands and pulled her out of the seat.

"Hunter, I have bad news!" Peter yelled, a giddy smile on his face as he half carried his girlfriend out of the seats.

"What's up?", she said smile in his direction.

"He have to caffeinate the beast!" He says.

"Oh Gods, no! Anything but that!", she moaned.

"We have to. She's going to fall asleep walking!" Peter laughed.

"Guys I'm fine!" Aero yawns.

"Yeah, right," said Hunter, with a smirk.

"Come on small humans, get off of my plane," said Tony, "pushing" them out.

"So, this is New York? It's no Wakanda, but its amazing!" Shuri marvelled.

"Home sweet home," murmured Peter.

"Welcome to our little paradise!", said Hunter with a smile (she totally didn't yawn after. No really. Not at all).

"Okay! I take it back! I need coffee!" Aero says.

"I knew it!" Peter said triumphantly.

"Why don't you go to Starbucks or something and I'll show Shuri around?", proposed Hunter.

"Great idea! Anyone want anything? No? Great. Peter let's go caffeinate the beast." Aero says. They laughed a little and went they're way. Hunter turned to Tony and smiled.

"Thank you so much Mr. Stark. I really don't know what I would do without you. Neither does my brother, he's just scared to tell you," she said and he looked a bit surprised, but regain his composure.

"It's nothing kid, really. I'm glad I can help you," he replied and without expecting it, the girl ran into his arms. He awkwardly hugged back and she got off of him. 

"You know, you can't die now," she said seriously.

"I'm sorry, what?", he asked surprised.

"Peter has lost so much now, so have I, but I don't matter. His two father figures died and you're becoming his new one. You better take care of my brother and not. Die. I can tell he's going to rely a lot on you. Ever since he was a kid, he looked up to you, but now? Now, you're literally becoming his father. He talks about you with such admiration. Don't do anything that would break that please," she said with a sad tone. He didn't say anything for a bit, shocked, but smiled after.

"I've never been good with emotions, but your brother taught me something I never thought I would learn. My father was a shitty father. And... I'm scared that I'll be like him," he said with hesitation. She took his hand and squeezed it a little.

"Trust me, I know you'll be awesome. I just know it," she replied, turning back to Shuri.

"Ready to go?", she asked her.

"Of course!"

She took her hand again her took her to a lot of places. Mr, Delmar's shop, her school, Central Park, Time Square, the Statue of Liberty, and so on. There was some people who recognized the princess and asked for pictures, but except that, everything was really fun. They really had a great time and took a lot of selfies. They even shared an ice-cream at a ice cream stand stock they found on the streets. Sure, they didn't even have a proper breakfast, but hey! It was almost sunset! It didn't matter!

"Ho! I wan't to take a picture with those humans statue!", said Shuri, excited. Hunter let a laugh as Shuri posed with the actor. Those people were paid at standing like a statue. That's cool. But, she knew it was hard to do that.

"Got it?", asked Shuri.


"Hey, how about we go to your apartment? I never saw it, and Tony said that you aunt was worried!", proposed Shuri.

"Sure! I'm convinced that she'll love you," said Hunter with a smile, already walking. Hand in hand, Shuri and Hunter walked, talked and laughed until they got to the girl's house. They went in, saluted the receptionist and took the stairs. They entered the apartment, still hands joined, laughing at an anecdote Hunter told about her brother, Aero and herself.

"You're finally here!", they heard. They saw Peter, Aero and May, who had said that.

"Hi, aunt May!", Hunter said, hugging her aunt.

"Took you long enough," said Peter, with an amused smirk.

The girls noticed that Aero and Peter were faced away. Aero suddenly stood up.

"I, uh, I have to get home. Bye May, bye Hunter. Have, have fun Shuri."

Hunter frowned and turned to Peter.

"I don't know what you do and I don't care, but you better go and run to her. Like right now," she said, dead serious. He stood up, and bit his lip.

"Ok, hum... The three of you can eat, I'm... Going to see if I can do something," he said, looking guilty.

"Don't try. Do it," she said. He sighed, and jogged at the door, going out. Hunter sighed.

"So... How was your trip to Wakanda!", asked May, after a bit of silence. Oh Gods, she doesn't know, she thought.

"It was fantastic! It's a beautiful country, full of beautiful people!", she responded, not thinking about it. The aunt gave her a knowing smile, with one eyebrow up.

"Beautiful people, huh?", realizing her mistake, she blushed and tried to mask her mistake.

"I mean, hum... You know, they were all really... Pretty," she said, not convincing at all.

"Yeah. Pretty people," May said back.

"How about we order something? Shuri, what would you like?", she asked to her friend.

"Anything would be good, just being here is a lot, I wouldn't want to be a burden Ms. Parker," the princess said.

"Oh, please! None of that! Call me May, you're the friend of my niece and my nephew, you are part of the family now!", May said, taking her hands, smiling.

"Thank you May," responded Shuri with a huge smile.

"It's no problem, really! How about pizza? Does that sounds good?", she asked the girls.

"I love pizza!" responded Shuri, sitting on the couch.

"Perfect! What do you take on it?"

"As long as there's no pineapple on it, it's fine!"

"Peter takes it with pineapple. We think it's disgusting," said Hunter sitting next to her friend.

"Because it is!", said May, laughing a bit. They sat there, talking and laughing while the pizza was coming. When they finally got they're food, they putted Harry Potter on the tv and ate. At the end of the day, they fell asleep on the couch, snuggled up together.

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