Hypocrisy Isn't A Good Look

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Aero's third POV

The flight was very smooth, everything was doing alright. Aero was sleeping on Peter's shoulder while he was beside Hunter and Hunter was in sandwich between her brother and Shuri. The girl was blabbering to Shuri about life in New-York and she was really excited. 

"We're here," said Happy. Hunter flashed him a smile- which he responded with a slight smile- and took Shuri's hand and flashed a smile to her. She always did this with Aero. (Peter also woke up Aero with a kiss- it was way to cute-)

"Peteeeeeerrrrr," Aero whined.

Peter grabbed her hands and pulled her out of the seat.

"Hunter, I have bad news!" Peter yelled, a giddy smile on his face as he half carried his girlfriend out of the seats.

"What's up?", she said smile in his direction.

"He have to caffeinate the beast!" He says.

"Oh Gods, no! Anything but that!", she moaned.

"We have to. She's going to fall asleep walking!" Peter laughed.

"Guys I'm fine!" Aero yawns.

"Yeah, right," said Hunter, with a smirk.

"Come on small humans, get off of my plane," said Tony, "pushing" them out.

"So, this is New York? It's no Wakanda, but its amazing!" Shuri marvelled.

"Home sweet home," murmured Peter.

"Welcome to our little paradise!", said Hunter with a smile (she totally didn't yawn after. No really. Not at all).

"Okay! I take it back! I need coffee!" Aero says.

"I knew it!" Peter said triumphantly.

"Why don't you go to Starbucks or something and I'll show Shuri around?", proposed Hunter.

"Great idea! Anyone want anything? No? Great. Peter let's go caffeinate the beast." Aero says. They laughed a little and went they're way.

They get there and order their drinks.

"Thanks." Aero says to the barista.

The lady nods.

"You wanna go out sometime?" Peter asks out of the blue as they start to walk around aimlessly.

"Peter Parker, did you just ask your girlfriend out on a date like she was going to say no?" Aero laughs, taking a sip of her iced coffee.

"No? Uh, yeah? Yeah, I guess I did." Peter said, returning the laugh.

"You're such a dork." She says.

"But I'm your dork."

"Yeah, dorkyness just peaked." She said, taking another sip.

"Okay, then, how about tomorrow, the library, 4 o'clock." Peter says.

"Really, the first place you wanna take me is the library?" She asked, half joking, half serious.

"Okay, I'll admit, I'm not good at this. The only experience I've had is with Liz, and well, we all know how that went." Peter said.

"Yeah, about that! You almost died and you didn't tell me." Aero said, suddenly serious.

"Well, you haven't exactly been honest either." Peter shoots back.

"Really? You're gonna pin this on me now?" She says, stopping to face him.

"No, all I'm saying is hypocrisy isn't a good look on you."

"Oh my god, I was trying to protect you! I didn't want you mixed up in the things I had to do! It was bad enough Hunter and my dad knew!"

"Oh, so Hunter knew?! I can't believe this!"

"Okay, so you didn't tell anyone?"

"Well, Mr. Stark knew, and Ned- well, he was an accident, and Hunter found out the night before we left for Wakanda."

"Hey, Pete, hypocrisy isn't a good look on you." She says smugly before walking away.

They get to the apartment and they stomp in.

"Hey, guys- oh..." May says.

"Aero, please just listen to me!"

Aero had her back to her boyfriend, arms crossed over her chest, but she swiftly turned to him.

"No, Peter! I can't handle this right now!"

With that, she sits on the far end of the couch. After about and hour and a half of complete silence, Hunter and Shuri walked in laughing.

"You're finally here!", they heard. They saw Peter, Aero and May, who had said that.

"Hi, aunt May!", Hunter said, hugging her aunt.

"Took you long enough," said Peter, with an amused smirk.

The girls noticed that Aero and Peter were faced away. Aero suddenly stood up.

"I, uh, I have to get home. Bye May, bye Hunter. Have, have fun Shuri."

She wasn't going to her apartment. She was going to clear her head. Yes, she knew it was late, but she had to. She hated fighting with Peter, which felt like always. It's been happening for the past couple months, and she can't figure out why.

Aero was so trapped in her thoughts that she didn't hear the hooves stomping towards her, or the terrified screams of Peter. It wasn't until she felt a sharp jab in her side.

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