𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓢𝓲𝔁

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"Y/n is it fun living in New York?" James asks me "I love it, I really do it's just the has so much going on all of the time. I never get bored" I say
"I would love to live in New York one day" brad says to me
"We've already talked about this brad I'm not moving to New York" Tristan says in a playful yet pissed off voice
"You suck" brad says
As we finish dinner everyone is having a great time and no one wants to leave "do you guys want to go to a bar?" Tristan says really excitingly
"I'm down, I need a real drink" I say while laughing "oooo what's your drink?" Brad asks me
But before I can answer Connor screams out "I bet she likes some shit like strawberry mimosa"
"Excuses little boy but your girl can hold her gin" I say in a joking tone which makes everyone laugh
"Gins my drink to" brad says "it's just the best" I say starting to fantasy because gin makes me hella horny "it's best because it makes me horny" brad says with a wink.

HOW DID HE KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING, can he read my mind what is this?!??

"Hahah true" I say
"Okay then let's go then" Tristan shouts
"Okay who's driving?" Connor asks
"Oh well jerry my driver is already out front waiting for me" I say "oh okay sounds good" Connor says
We walk out the doors to the street and my Limo is parked out front
"Wait WHAT THE HELL!!" James says
"Oh yeah hahha I ride in a limo most of the time because I have to work while I go places, but now we can all fit" I say
We all get in and head over to my favorite bar.
"This is Jerry my wonderful driver" I say
"Hello everyone, it's great to meet you all" everyone introduces themselves
We arrive at the club and there is a line of about 50 people outside the door
"Wow this is going to take a while, I'll get in line and you guys can go walk around or something?" James says
"Hahah no no no sweets follow me" I say.
I walk right up to the bouncer,
"Hi mike! It's so great to see you!"
"Well hello y/n, I haven't seen you in forever, my girl has been busy huh?" Mike says
I laugh and say "yes oh my god you don't even know" "well you look great have fun you guys" Mike's says and we walk right in skipping the line and mike leads us up to the VIP section.
The booth isn't really a booth but more of a small open room with security all around us, our own private dance floor, our own bar and its looks over the whole club
"This is going to be these tour ever" Tristan says with his mouth dropped "They just let us in! do we get this all to ourselves?" Conner asks
"Well yeah haha, I come here a lot" I say with a chuckle
"Hey y/n, can I invite someone?" James asks nervously
"The fuck of course!" I say "invite whoever I don't care, just make sure to tell the to go up to mike and say that they are with  'Leo' Thats my code name" "oh my god thank you so much!" James says and go's to call someone to invite, as does Joe, Connor, Rachael, and Tristan.
I was also getting my phone out and text Isabella to come.

y/n: Hey bae, come to "Good Room" you can meet my new clients;)

Isabella: Oh shit is he there?? Did anything happen at dinner?? OMG TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!

Y/n: Just come down!! I'll tell you when you get here haha

Isabella: Fine bitch At least tell me his name

Y/n: Bradley, brad for short :)

Isabella: Ooooo brad the babe

Y/n: That was disgusting lol I hate you

Isabella: Hate you too🖤 okay I'm coming

I look up from my phone and James is walking over to me with a girl
"Hey y/n I would like you to meet my fiancé Kirstie" he says
"So you are the lovey Kirstie that James wouldn't stop talking about at dinner" I say and she laughs and James blushes
"isn't he just the sweetest" she says laughing
"well it's great to meet you! I'm so in love with all of your fashion!" Kristie says
"thank you so much" I say
"and thank you for inviting me to come to the club" "what it's nothing I hope you guys have fun!" I say "well we will talk later but I need a drink" she says to me and I laugh
Next think I know Connor is tapping me on the shoulder and he has a girl next to him
"y/n this is Lucee, my girlfriend" he says
"it's great to meet you" I say
"It an honor you look amazing!" She says
"girl that's all you, your body is amazing" I say in aw "yeah it's great in bed too" Connor says with a smirk "CONNOR!" Lucee shouts and hits him on the chest and we all laugh
I feel another tap on my shoulder and it's Tristan with a guy next to him
"Y/n this is josh one of my good friends"
"You have no idea how much I'm fan girling right now!" Josh says half joking half not
"Oooo he's funny, I like him" I say to Tristan and josh gasps and pretends to faint, and we all laugh
I see joe walking over to me with a woman
"y/n this is my beautiful wife Laura"
"well hello Laura its wonderful to meet you" I say "it's great to meet you to" I'm talking to joe and Laura when I see brad coming back from the bar with two drinks and I'm looking around to see if he invited anyone and I don't see anyone, he keeps walking straight towards me and I realize he got the drink for me
"Excuse me Joe but I'm going to steal y/n away from you guys" "no problem brad, behave yourself" Joe says as if he was brads  dad
Brad hands me the drink and winks.

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