𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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I step through the door back into brads room and once brad comes in behind me Tristan stops both of us and crosses his arms and says "So did you guys sleep together or did you just happen to wake up at the exact same time?"
"Tris, what are you five? I needed his help with my bandages in the middle of the night and he had my pain killers in his room." I say in an annoyed tone
"Yeah, that's what happened" brad says backing me up in the worst convincing voice ever. "okay okay, my bad" Tris says rolling his eyes and walking out of brads room
Brad turns to me "so what were you going to say on the balcony?" Brad asks grabbing my waist
"Oh um I forgot" I say and spin around breaking his hands off my waist and walking out of his room quickly

Jesus Christ y/n you almost told him, thank god tris came outside.  I can't do it. I can't keep pretending I'm his girlfriend in my head. It's not fair to brad, but it's especially not fair to me. I deserve to be happy and so does brad. He is just wasting time hooking up with me when he could be with someone he actually likes. I can't keep doing this to brad. It's not fair. This is the end. I have to stop. Rachael was right. She knew I couldn't handle this. I can't handle this.

I'm so deep in thought I don't even notice That I crash into something full force, I fall on the ground and I smash my arms directly on the floor
I look up with tears gushing from my eyes at the pain and I see Luke in shock not knowing what just happened
"OH MY GOD Y/N ARE YOU OKAY" Luke shouts which makes Tristan and brad come running down the hallway
"Y/N!" They both scream and come rushing over to me
Brad crouches down next to me trying to help me up
"No please don't" I say whimpering  out threw the tears
"It's okay, I got you" brad says in a calming tone
"No!" I shout looking up to Luke motioning help from Luke
He crouches down and picks me up
"Come on let's go to the bathroom" Luke says and starts walking toward the bathroom
I look back to brad who's face is shocked, confused, and sad.

It has to be this way. I can't, I'm doing this for me. But most importantly I'm doing this for brad. I just want him to be happy.

I'm sobbing from the pain and Luke sits me down on the counter and hugs me.
"I'm so sorry buttercup, you can get through this. I'm here" Luke says in my ear.  "Thank you" I get out of my quivering lips
"Here let me see" Luke says and carefully grabs my hands to examine my arms "Okay well there is no blood so you didn't pop a stitch—-"
I don't even know how it happened but Im kissing Luke. I just leaned in and kissed him. My eyes are closed but I can feel him looking at me.
Finally after what felt like forever both me and Luke fall into each other.
He consumes me with every stroke of his tongue. Luke pulls away
"Y/n what was that for? I mean it was amazing I've been wanting to do that for years but why?" Luke says
"Luke you are amazing. You are real. I guess I've been waiting for it to, you have been there for me my whole life. I care about you and you make me happy" I say with a sniffle and a blush
Luke just smiles and pecks my lips one more time
"Okay well we can get back to this later but it's time for your doctors appointment and I need to fly back home" Luke says a little confused
I can see he is trying to put everything together of what just happened
"Luke, I know this is a huge ask but do you think you could take me to the doctors and fly with me to Barcelona?" I say in a quiet tone
"Well of course you know I would do anything for you but I thought you were flying back with brad and tris?" Luke says "well I was but maybe we could get lunch or something and take a later flight I just need some more rest" I lied,
Brad and me need space, it's not like my feelings for brad are going to go away but Luke really does make me so happy and he is real. Me and brad would never be real. This is what I need. Luke. I deserve Luke

"Of course!" Luke says with a big smile
"Okay you ready to get going?" He asks looking into my eyes grabbing my hand to hold it
"Yes" I say and try to compose myself. My arms are still throbbing but the pain is less.
We come out of the bathroom hand still in each others to the living room where Tris and Brad are. "Hey so I have some good news, Luke is going to take me to the doctors and we are going to fly to Barcelona later tonight together, so you two can just go to the airport now and you won't have to look after me" I say trying to sound as happy as possible
"Oh um okay, well the doctor knows me but I guess that is fine" brad says not looking at me, he is just starring at my hand wrapped in Lukes
"Okay see you later" brad says in an angglry tone still not looking at me and walks out of the apartment. Leaving tris standing in front of us.
"The fuck is wrong with him? Haha anyways I luv you y/n and I guess I'll see you both tomorrow! Fly safe you two and y/n text me after the doctors, I want to know all the details with your injury " Tristan says,  kisses my cheek and walks us out the door
"I luv ya T see you tomorrow" I say
And me and Luke are left alone in the hallways of there apartment......

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