𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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"I will NOT be behaving myself tonight" brad says with a dark chuckle as he looks me up and down bitting his lip in the process
I laugh but squeal on the inside.
"how many drinks have you had" I ask
"I don't need to drink to tell you that" he smirks.

God he's crazy! But I love it but no you have to stop y/n, you don't even know him that well

"Well I need a drink" I say trying to back off the flirtation
Brad notices that my mood has changed and he changes his as well

"So tell me more about yourself?" He says to me.
We start talking just as friends and he is actually a really genuine good guy which is good and bad because it's just making me want to do bad things to him even more.
"I'm honestly really excited for this tour it's going to be a lot of fun" he says
"I am too, it's going to be really cool seeing how rock stars live" I say with a wink
"you are going to be disappointed, me and the boys are basically kids when we are together" he says with a chuckle
"I think I'm most excited to travel I just never have time with working so much" I say
"Me too it's the best part of the job, meeting fans in the most beautiful and romantic places in the world" he says while looking directly into my eyes.
I melt I actually melt inside, this gin is starting to hit and I want him. I want him NOW.
"We need to find the best places everywhere we go" I say with a grin
"Oh we will" he says in a dark sexy voice, bringing back that flirty sex face and I don't even care, but I need to stay smart
"So did you not invite anyone?" I ask in a flirty way. "Didn't need to, I have you" he says and licks his lips slightly.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around "NO FUCKING WAY! WHY ARE YOU HERE" I scream.......

"Well I know you haven't seen him in forever because of work and so I flew him out here" Isabella says
"I missed you buttercup" Luke says and pulls me in for a tight hug.
"You have know idea how much I have missed you" I say so surprised and happy
"Oh god I'm sorry, Brad these are my best friends Isabella Altman an Luke Hemmings"
I say
"So THIS is brad" isabella says
"Yes" I say blushing
Oh my god he's going to know I was talking about him! I can't believe she just did that
"It's great to meet you both" brad says
While looking at me.

Brad POV
I see y/n's friends, a girl and a guy. I don't know who this guy is but he looks really familiar, I really hope him and y/n aren't together. Because she is honestly the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on.
"so THIS is brad" isabella's says
Oh my god wait does that mean y/n was talking about me to isabella
Well that's a good sign, but I need to snatch her Before  Luke does.
"It's great to meet you both" I say while I look y/n up and down hinting to her that I know she was taking about me and that I'm into it

Oh my GOD Brad's giving me that look!
I can't do this I need to talk to isabella and Luke right now
"Hey let me get you two some drinks come with me" I say to isabella and Luke
"Oh okay I'll talk to you later than" brad says in a disappointed tone

I walk so fast to the bar I'm practically running
"Oh shit y/n, I know that look" isabella says
"You two need to help me, I'm drunk and i want him so bad" I say
"Babe didn't you meet him today?" Luke says
"Okay so! Shut up Luke, he's SO hot and he's actually such a good person" I say
"Well I wouldn't say he is as hot as me" Luke says with a smirk and we all laugh

"Hey I'll be right back I need to say hi to Connor" Luke says
"Wait WHAT? You know Connor?" I ask
"Yes hahah we are friends" Luke says And leaves to go talk to Connor

"Y/n I need to talk to you about something" isabella says in a nervous tone
"So when I picked Luke up from the airport he said that he was going to tell you how he feels" she says
"Feels about what" I asked confused on why she was making a big deal out of nothing
"Y/n he told me he loved you" isabella says.

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