𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻

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"BRADLEY!" Luke screams from across the room.

I don't know anything else to do then throw my entire body on a servers tray of drinks to make a huge scene , which was a horrible mistake because instead of just bumping into the waiter I slip and fall directly on all of the broken glass cups. The next thing I know I'm looking at my arms and they are gushing blood but I'm to drunk to even feel it.

I start to feel dizzy and my vision is blurry, all I can hear is screaming and shouting
I'm looking up into the restaurants lights and I see a figure with brown curly hair. He picks me up and rests my head on his body. All I can hear is screaming and people calling my name but the person that picked me up whispers in my ear
"I got you baby heart, don't worry I got you" and I instantly know it's brad and feel completely safe so I close my eyes and the rest is a huge blur.

I remember flashing lights and strange people talking to me, being in pain, seeing glimpses of people I know,
I think I screamed at one point, but all I held on to was brads voice saying over and over again "I'm here, I'm not leaving you, I got you" and his soft hand holding onto mine threw it all.

The next thing I know I'm waking up with the sun in my eyes in a strange bed that I've never been in. I look around to adjust my eye sight and my eyes fall on a cute boy slumped over in a tiny chair next to the bed.
"Brad?" I whisper out and he shoots his head up and rushes over to me
"Y/n you're awake" he says with a soft smile and comes over to play with my hair.
"Brad where am I, what happened?" I asked in a weak voice
"Well you had an accident at the party and hurt you arms, then we got you to the hospital and they fixed you right up, and now you are resting in my bed in my apartment" he says in a slow comforting voice
I look down at my arms and both of my arms are bandaged from my thumbs to my elbows and as soon as I look at them I feel shooting pains in my forearms
"Brad it hurts so bad" I say with tears streaming down my face still confused on what is going on
"I know I know here the doctors gave you these if it started hurting again" brad says and hands me little white pills and some water and he feeds them to me slowly and puts the glass up to my lips
"Goodnight baby heart you're going to be okay, I'm not leaving you" brad says and I look at him confused because it's light outside
"But it's not dark outside" I say in a weak confused voice
"I know" he says with no other context and plays with my hair and all of the sudden I feel really tired and fall right back to sleep.

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