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"Do you eat anything other than Fruity Pebbles?" Miles grunted, whilst grabbing a bowl from the cabinet and his favorite cereal.

"Do you eat anything other Cinnamon Toast Crunch?" I retorted, causing his face to scrunch at my chewed up, rainbow food-filled mouth.

"Gosh Mase, you could at least act like a lady."

"Suck my dick." I snickered, shoveling another overfilled spoonful of fruity goodness into my mouth.

"Hey, if you had one, I might be down." Failing to hold back a laugh, tiny bits of chewed up cereal flew from my mouth. The majority of it landed in Miles' cereal with a bit on his face. "Ew, Mason!" He whined, his arms held in the air while the rest of his sat unmoving.

Coughing a few times, I stood up rushing over to get him some paper towels. "I am so sorry." I couldn't help but giggle as soon as I saw his milk-covered face all over again.

"It's so sticky."

"Well I mean, you should be used to that, no?"

"Har, har, har." He mocked. Standing up. "You're so funny. Now please excuse me while I go take another shower."

"I really am sorry."

"Yeah, yeah." He grumbled walking away while I went to pick up our bowls and clean up the mess I had made.

"Oh and Mase,"

Looking over my shoulder, I saw him with his head poking around the corner. "Yeah?"

"Grayson's a great shot, so no, I'm not" And with that, he was gone.

I stood there confused as my brain ran over what he said a few times before finally, "Oh, ew!" I physically shivered. I had just finished wiping down the table and Miles' chair when someone walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, Good morning Mason."

I literally froze at the sound of her voice, my body tensing immediately. Shit. Why couldn't Miles' still be down here? Looking up at the happy couple who just so happened to be holding hands, I plastered the biggest smile I could manage. "Good morning Layla." I paused, not really wanting to say it but knowing if I didn't, it would make it seemed as if I was bothered by him and her. And of course, I was but I wasn't about to let them know that. Who knows what the boy could have told her about me. "Alex." I muttered and quickly turned around to throw the dirty paper towels in the bin.

"We were going to go to the mall today to get in some last-minute Christmas shopping. Would you like to come?"

Did she really just ask me to go to the mall with them? What the actual fuck? Did she just, no. She couldn't have. I mean but she, what in the actual hell? "I uh, sorry, thanks for the invite but I've got plans."

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