22. Trust Me

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Hana's POV

I ran after Hyunjin who just dashed out of there, with not at all a pleasant expression or aura. My head was hurting as my face was twisted into an anxious expression as I didn't know what should I answer him, why didn't I tell him about his baby?

"Hyunjin li-" He looked hurt and disappointed as he started the car engine without letting me complete. I sighed and sat in the car as he started to drive.

The whole way back home was silent and a type uncomfortable silent which was saying a lot. I could sense Hyunjin's emotions as he didn't mutter a word; he didn't look mad, in fact he looked hurt and disappointed.

The moment he pulled the brakes we got off and he walked up to our room, his vibe was upset obviously and seeing him like this was saddening me even more because I made him this sad.

I didn't know what to say that would comfort him as I knew I was the one on the wrong side. I shouldn't have hidden such big news from him, even after knowing he has changed completely.

I didn't go after him as I stayed downstairs in the sitting room, actually thinking about the same scene over and over again, thinking why I even thought he would do something bad about it and now how should I make it up to him.

I thought of giving him some time and space but it was hardly 15 minutes past and I couldn't stand him being this sad so I got up and walked upstairs to our room, completely cutting off is never a solution.

I silently opened the door and peeked in but I didn't see him in so I walked in and shut the door behind me. My sight registered him standing in the balcony, his back bent and elbows placed on the railing.

My eyes slightly widen and I felt my heart beat accelerating a little when I heard him sniff lightly and wipe his tears. Remorse and empathy washed over as I suddenly felt my heart sinking. I made my little baby cry.

I walked towards him with a fragile heart as I couldn't stand this anymore, I cant let this drag so long.

"Hyunjin!" I softly cooed as I approached him and wrapped my arms around his waist from the back as I comfortably turned my face and leaned my head onto his firm back, I felt his body stiffening for a moment before he breathed out heavily which confirmed he had been crying.

"Look I am sorry" I pulled away and turned him towards me from his shoulder, my eyes getting softer than anything when he turned to face me with pink eyes and nose, sniffing like a literal baby when he is going to have a baby himself.

He gulped and looked away and I placed my hands on his shoulders. "Look at me" I demanded softly as he looked at me with hurt flowing in his eyes.

"I-I just didn't know how to react, I didn't mean to hurt you baby"

"N-No you did it because you thought I am still the same and I would still treat you the same way" he spoke furrowing again as I felt guilty again.

"No Hyunjin its not like that" I tried to convince him in a soft tone but he shook his head and looked down, declining making eye contact with me either.

"That night you were talking to some of your friend and you sounded so mad when he maybe told you that he was going to have a baby or something, and you said baby isn't the only thing people get married for, so I got scared and I didn't know what to do as your words made me think you didn't want the baby" I spoke in a low voice as he looked at me in disbelieve.

"Jaeyoung, I was talking to him and what I said was because he was on really bad terms with his wife and he without any planning or thinking got his wife pregnant and right after that they were willing to get divorced so that's why I got angry that if you aren't ready for the baby and if you are just going to divorce your wife than why giving birth to a baby and ruining its life? But Hana I think we are not like that at least we aren't on bad terms... or maybe just I think we aren't"

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