5 ∥Fika

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Fika (n.) A coffee break between friends or colleagues often accompanied by pastries

Her gaze was fixed on the gigantic building before her, the place she wished she would never visit; hospital

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Her gaze was fixed on the gigantic building before her, the place she wished she would never visit; hospital. Mentally preparing, Jieun tapped her left foot out of habit while a deep sighed fluttered out from her lips. She went inside after a long period of time debating with herself as the smell of disinfectant struck her nostrils, making her scrunched her nose in disguise.


"Hyung, whatchu doing" Jisung leaned on the door frame, his back leaned against the hard wooden. He raised his eyebrow in questioning way, eyeing the male that's still focused on his work. "Go away. I'm occupied" the latters eyes were drawn on the bright screen, not moving an inch. He waved his hand to his friend, shooing him away.

Jisung pouted unknowingly, looking down to his fingers, fidgeting them. The latter threw his back on the seat, massaging his temple. "Look, it's not like I don't like cooperating with you, but ever since I told the medias that I got some help from a friend of mine with the latest mixtape, they couldn't stop asking me to reveal yourself" jisung's eyes lit up, a wide silly smile spread across his face in millisecond. "Looks like someone going to have a tough competitor when I finally debuted" he wiggles his eyebrows in a mockingly way, sending flirty winks to annoyed the crap out of the older male.

"Shut up. Don't disturb me" changbin threw the nearest thing from his reach- a pillow neck to jisung's direction, making the guy chuckled in the most psychotic way before finally leaving the room, closing the door from behind. Jisung is always the carefree type and not knowing what to do or to disturb will irritate him.

Changbin is the first target, but since he was working on some music, jisung didn't dare to be a disturbance. Minho is out too since he was stuck back at the hospital with broken leg. Jisung plopped himself onto the sofa, nibbling on his bottom lip. Reaching out to his mobile phone and wallet, he headed out to grab some desert for his sweet tooth.


The digital in her grab vibrated, indicating a call. Jieun had turned on the silent mode when she made a checkup and not till now, that she finally realized that she hasn't turned on the normal mode back.

Annoying brat💕

A smile crept onto her face upon seeing the name. The checkup earlier wasn't helping her mental health at all. She grew weaker and has no fate in herself of getting better. "Hello" the familiar voice from the other line greeted her with a singing-like tone. An opera perhaps.

"Yes, the one and only Soori" she chuckled while making her way into the bus. Her phone was placed in between her shoulder and cheek as her hand was used to scan the card. "So?" She dragged the word longer than it should have been. Jieun shook her head.

That annoying yet comforting attitude of her will never change

"What?" She questioned, finally making to one of the unemployed seat. "Who's the lucky one?" Jieun swore she could feel the girl wiggling her brows in a teasing way on the other end. "No one?" The words left as a question. She was also quite confused of the situation. Not like she has tried persuading anyone.

"You're no fun, Jieun-ah. You can just randomly point at any guy on the street and ask them to be your pretentious boyfriend" Jieun snickered at the thought. Who the hell would do that?

"I'm not that pathetic"

"Then ask Jihoon. He will-" Jieun mentally rolled her eyes. If only the girl was there, she would have smacked the girl so hard her brain cells would all be dead. Not saying she has them, though. It's likely that she's lost all her brain cells after graduating or even before that.

"There you go with Jihoon having feelings for me whatsoever. Trust me, he won't agree if I ever ask him to do it for me"


"Sure" Jihoon nodded, his eyes grew big in anticipation. Jieun mouth hung low. Wait, is she hearing the correct thing? "Really? Aren't you busy with work?" Jieun sipped on the espresso coffee, her brows raising in a questioning way. She slightly flinched as she felt her tongue burnt from the hot temperature of it.

Sip that cofffee, sis

"I can spare some time. It's no big deal" Jihoon starched the back of his head, slightly embarrassed for being too blunt. Jieun was staring at him, amused.

Soori is indeed true, again

Only now that she realizes how enthusiastic the boy is whenever she speaks to him or when she asks him to do something for her. How his eyes sparkle every time she smiles. Imaginary turning heart-shaped.

Too in love owu

"It's fine, though. I don't want to be a burden. Plus, I think I've found another person who's completely free and jobless. Thanks anyways" Jieun mentally face palmed. Not only did she break the boy's soft heart, she lied. Oh how will she face him again after this?

Jihoon smiled sadly, his gaze fixed on the cup of ice americano placed on the coffee table. He composed himself before shifting his gaze back onto the uneasy girl. "Well then, I hope you enjoy yourself. Call me anytime. I'll always be free and jobless for you"

Jieun pressed her lips into a thin line. Screw me. "Thanks, Jihoon, really" Jihoon bowed one last time and turned on his heels, walking out from the coffee shop.

Oh look you just broke a person's heart yet yours would not be beating anytime soon

💫 Words Count : 960

I'm not a big fan of coffees so excuse my lack of descriptiveness

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