11 ∥Monachapsis

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Monachapsis (n.) the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place

) the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place

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4th Day

"For god sakes is he coming or not?" Jieun complained, hands crossed over her chest. Her gaze traveled to the watch around her wrist. Jieun stood on her toes, searching for any sight of the younger.

She sighed, giving up. He won't pick up calls neither will he reply to her messages. Screw you, Han Jisung. A tap was felt on her shoulder, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Turning around, she was faced with an adorable guy with bright toothy smile.



"Han Jisung" the name left her lips. The said guy ran to her side. Full of joy. Like always. Yeri mentally shook her head.

"First thing that I hate about you is for always being late" she said frankly, not even caring if her words shoot like daggers to him. "Why do you have to do that?" Yeri raised her eyebrow in a questioning way before an "Oh" escaped her lips. "I figured out that I should list all the things that make me lose interest in you" again, jisung felt his heart ache. If only he could install a speaker or a detector to his heart, it would probably went loud by now.

"well, let's go on that ride first, as a starting" jisung put on a smile on his face and mastered up his courage to grab the girl's hand like those old days. It was not surprising that no matter what had happened between those period of time, holding her hand like this, made him think just where it went wrong.

Yeri pulled her hand out of his grip. "Excuse me?" jisung looked down to his hand that was left hanging on the air before he looked up to her once again. "Sorry. It happened out of habit" he smiled adorably which made the girl rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah, whatever"

She walked off first, leaving the guy on his own. Jisung grab a tight hold onto his trembling hand. A frown on his face. He regretted his decision to force the girl to go on a date with him. The Yeri now is no longer the same bubbly girl he dated long ago. Her eyes were full of hatred, her words were like bullets to his heart. Everything she said, every glares she gave him, every actions she made, she was as if a total different person. At least to him she acted that way.

"Are you coming or not? Stop wasting my time" she said harshly, clearly annoyed. "Coming" jisung said, running to her side. He knew it's probably the last time he could go out with her like this. He couldn't bear seeing her being forced, especially if he's the one forcing. Jisung promised to himself that he would make the most out of this day. He should. No, he must.


"Hey, what's with the little frown on your face? Is something bothering you? Are you feeling well? If not, should I send you home? No, to the hospital?" the person sitting across from her was bombarding her with questions, snapping Jieun out of her daze.

"No, I'm fine, Jihoon, but can I ask you something?" He nodded with mouthful of food. Jieun held herself back from laughing. He really reminded her of a bunny.

"I'm not good with feelings so I kinda get myself into a problem..." jihoon furrowed his eyebrows questionably, but Jieun continued nevertheless. "Remember when I asked you if you want to be my companion?"

"Technically a boyfriend"

"No, I prefer the word 'companion' " jihoon rolled his eyes

"So I found this random high schooler. He was so nice at first, but now, maybe he's annoyed at me for always bringing up the deal. Whatever it is, he's starting to get on my nerves. You know how I feel when someone can't appreciate time and manage them well. Well, this guy is the perfect example of it, but I don't know if I should end the deal. I'll feel bad for it" jieun wrapped up her babbles, taking a sip of her coffee.

"So are you saying that you hate him for being late, but you can't bring yourself to stop the deal because you've fallen for his charms regardless what he's done to you?" A smirk was spread across his lips, masking the ache on his heart. "Ooh the-cold-hearted-ceo-nim is falling in love with a high schooler what a cliché love story"

"I don't love him" jieun sulked. She had just exposed Jihoon to a beautiful path of teasing her. what a great mind.

"Aw, really? You will sooner or later" he said, ignoring the shattering sound of his heart while plastering a wide fake smile across his face.

💫 Words Count : 816
lemme just buried myself 6ft underground
what did I just write ew

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