9 ∥Halcyon

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Halcyon (adj.) calm and peaceful; happy, prosperous

) calm and peaceful; happy, prosperous

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2nd day

It was a bright morning with birds chirping in a sing-like tone and the sunlight illuminating the room from the few gaps of the curtain that's exposed to the outdoor. Jisung groaned in his sleep, feeling his closed-eyes blinded by the light. He tried covering his face with a pillow, but it was too late when his alarm went off.


He murmured some incoherent words while his hand roamed the bed table for his phone. He turned the alarm off, debating whether to get off or stay in his comfort zone. A new notification came in and he automatically jumped off the bed, checking his phone only to pray that it wasn't Jieun who texted him. To his dismay, it was her, saying that they'll be meeting in an hour. His sleepy eyes instantly grew big. Jisung grabbed his things before heading to the bathroom. He got to be fast or else it'd be the end of him.

Jisung skipped few stairs while making his way downstairs, almost stumbling. His friend was eyeing the unfamiliar sight, amused. "Am I dreaming or is Han Jisung really is freaking out because he's late for some occasions?" Changbin bit onto the sandwich he made, doesn't taste the best, but at least it's still edible. "I'm not late. Just making sure I'll be there right on time" Jisung snapped, snatching a sandwich from his friend. "Is this a date or some kind of joke. You never cared about being late" Changbin stared blankly at the boy who is now tying his shoelaces, a sandwich still in between his lips.

"First, no. Hell like I'll go on a date with her. Second, I'm a man who keeps his promises. Third, you should learn how to make other food beside sandwiches. I've grown tired of eating the same thing every day" he yelled by the front door. The sandwich has long gone. Changbin rolled his eyes at his friend even though he knew the guy couldn't see him as he was in the kitchen. "Whatever. Good luck on your date" Changbin cooed, teasing the younger even more.

"I said it isn't a date" Jisung yelled back before closing the front door. Changbin snorted before taking another bit on his breakfast meal.

"Why are we here?" His eyes were scanning the greenish surrounding. The sound of a waterfall was all he could hear. Not to forget, the old cabin situated approximately 5 feets away from him. "That" Jieun pointed her index finger to a specific spot as jisung turned to look at it. "That's what we're going to do today" Jisung nipped on his bottom lip as his eyes fixed on the rope that was hung higher than his self confidence.

"Are you sure? It doesn't look safe for me" Jieun nodded, her eyes were full with excitement as she held herself back from squealing like a five year old girl when seeing an ice cream parlor. "It'll be fun. Trust me" she was pulling Jisung by his wrist as Jisung didn't want to move a muscle. Why this out of all the other things he loves?

"No, I won't" jisung pulled back, standing on the same position with eyes full with horror. Jieun faced him with a stern face. "The deal" jisung pout at the mention of it. There goes the deal. He mentally rolled his eyes.

"Mum!" Jisung yelled at the top of his lungs, his grip on the rope tightened. His eyes closed shut, too afraid to look anywhere. "Look at the water fall. It's beautiful" her voice encored to his eardrums. Jisung was debating whether to trust the girl or to keep wailing like he is now. I won't fall.

With courage building inside him, he successfully fluttered his eyes open. It took him long enough before noticing the clear water of the waterfall. The breathtaking view from the high position. Jisung wowed. He felt a bit dizzy when looking down considering the fear he had, but he didn't regret it. It was well payed if he could say the least.

The flying fox arrived at the end of its track. Jisung was still crouching into a ball, holding onto the rope so tight. "You can let it go now" Heerin snorts at him. She has already gotten off of it, hair was tangled messily, but it was a life experience for her. Jisung was cautious of letting go of the rope, but when he realized that his feet could touch the ground, he instantly let go of it, brushing off the invisible dust on him. Jisung cleared his throat. "It was nothing" his said monotonous.

"Yeah, right. I wonder where goes the high school student that was screaming at the top of his lungs just now" Jieun picked her belongings, bowing to the employees with a bright smile on her face. She headed to the car, already feeling overworked and wanted nothing but a rest. "I'm not a high school student" Jisung complained, wearing a frown on his face. He did the same and went to catch up with the older. "You act like one though" Jieun snickered at him."No, I don't" jisung said, annoyed.

"Sure, sure. Now wipe that tears away you look ugly" jisung face turned a darker shade as he just noticed the tears that managed to escape his eyes. Jieun laughed before entering the driver seat. The guy could feel his heart racing. It was terrifying for him to fight back against his fear, but when his gaze met the breathtaking view, it felt halcyon —something that he didn't expect himself to enjoy.

Today was yet so eventful when I spent my time with you. It was short, but it felt like all the negative things had been lifted up from my shoulders. Your presence recovered me. I missed you, my personal antidote.

💫 Words Count : 994

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