6 ∥Serendipity

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Serendipity (n.) Finding something good without looking for it

) Finding something good without looking for it

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Later that day, Jieun went to the park. She honestly has no idea how she ended up at the greenish scene beyond her view until now that she's ready to rent a pair of rollerblades. Her feet brought her here without her consent, not like she mind clearing her crowded thoughts for a bit. It's been too stressful with her just acknowledging the health problem she's suffering, resigning from her own company that she's worked so hard on and now that she realized how lonely her life has been.

Jieun never cared about the presence around her. They came and went away, as simple as that. She has never yearned for any attention from anyone in particular. She filled her days with works, tons of unfinished works lying on her desk. Somehow, she ended up not caring and she was comfortable just being that way. Although Soori would pay her visit every now and then, the girl was even busier than her. Traveling all over the world as of her work. Handling fashion shows almost every week in different countries that sometimes, even Jieun hadn't heard of.

Jieun stopped wondering off when she felt herself being pulled by the gravitational force; concluding her to fall on the ground. She winced in pain, her brows furrowed trying to wash off the painful sensation from her thought. She inhaled a deep breath, pulling herself together to stand up with still, the unbearable pain she felt. Oh, the small bruise due to falling is just an excuse. She held back her sobs, not wanting to break out in the middle of the walkway. Her small mind-debate was pushed at the back of her mind when she saw a person offering a hand to her.

She was too caught up in thoughts to even look up to the person. Her gaze was fixed on the hand that was hanging on the air, waiting for her to interlock their hands together. Veins were popping out from the muscular hands, she was confident that it's belong to a grownup man even without sparing a glance at their faces.

"Miss, your knee is bleeding"

Hearing the familiar sweet voice of him was enough to make Jieun whipped her head in a spilt of second. Indeed, she was correct. It was him. The guy who made her heart went crazy by just his small gesture on their short encounter. He was towering her sitting form. Jieun looked down, embarrassed when she saw how the guy's eyes grew big at her sudden action. Oh what she didn't notice is how his eyes crinkled and turned into a crescent-shaped while small chuckles leaving his lips.

Jieun tried hiding her face, wishing she could dig a hole for herself, right, this instant. The guy crunched down across her, a warm smile was drawn on his lips. He untied the shoelaces while Jieun was eyeing him, not moving a muscle. The latter removed the rollerblades from her, putting them away. "Now, where's the shoes you were wearing before. Let me take them for you" Jieun awkwardly pointed her index finger to the pair of black sneakers situated under the tree across the river. The guy nodded, telling her to wait for him there and so she did, sitting in the middle of walkway with a bunch of children, teenagers and even elders giving her looks that she couldn't interpret in words.

He came back, rushing to her side with her sneakers in his grab. "Put on these. I brought along plasters since I couldn't find anything else" he rubbed the back of his neck, watching Jieun putting on the shoes. The latter crouched back and pulled the shoelaces so that he could tie them for her.

"You don't have to do this, you know? I can tie them by myself" she tried persuading him as she couldn't help but to feel bad for making him untie and re-tie back the shoelaces for her. "It's fine. No worries" oh how much she grew annoyed with him for being too nice. She swore she wanted to punch off the angel-like smile so bad even Soori never experienced it.

The two strangers were wrapped in a thick atmosphere. They've moved to sit under the tree where Jieun's shoes were placed before. The guy was mumbled some incoherent words as if trying to find the best and most suitable words to say. Jieun beat him to it when she awkwardly shoved off the odd feelings with few chuckles escaping her lips. "Ummm thank you I guess?" An eyebrow slightly raised and by the time she did that, she could already feel a pair of eyes on her. Trying to act cool, Jieun didn't turn to look at him and instead, shifted her gaze on the picturesque scenery of the river.

"The Han River is really beautiful isn't it? I can't help but to fall for the view from here" Jieun mumbled, loud enough to be heard by the guy next to him.

"Then, you must've loved a Han Jisung also, right?"

Jieun could hear the playful tone in his voice. He was smirking so wide now, almost making Jieun forgot the guardian angel from before. Jieun was well aware of the name mentioned, but of course she couldn't let Jisung found out that she had his notebook and secretly looked at the first page of it. "Never heard of him. Sorry"

Jisung was grinning from ear to ear. "Oh really? Too bad for you then" Jieun rolled her eyes, still not looking at him. "I'm Jieun. If you're wondering" she finally faced him. "What a beautiful name for a goodness lady" Jieun snickered at him.

"Yeah yeah whatever sweet tongue" she noticed Jisung looking over to his watch, a look of discomfort on his face. Jieun didn't want to pry into his business so she just kept the thought to herself. Jisung stood up as if ready to head somewhere. "I need to go now. It was nice meeting you, Jieun-shi" he bowed before rushingly ran to god knows where. Jieun slumped her back against the tree, a sigh escaped her lips.

Hold up

"Wait! You with brown hair and squirrel cheeks. Han Jisung!" She yelled his name the loudest she can. She could already feel the attention she created. Jisung stopped in his track, turning around to only see Jieun with hint of red spreading on her cheeks. Jisung pointed to himself, puzzled.

"Yes, you. Be my companion until the first autumn"

💫 Words Count : 1077

I actually enjoy writing this fanfic..? That's new
The butterfly in the gif scared the hell out of me, but it still looks stunning so

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