chapter three.

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( ACT I; sleeping dragon )
⟵ ◊ ⟶
chapter 3: into the dothraki sea.

( ACT I; sleeping dragon )⟵ ◊ ⟶chapter 3: into the dothraki sea

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WARNING: this chapter contains sexual themes.

HEAVINESS weighed in Vaegon's heart. It ate away at any hope he had of saving Daenerys, of them being together without fear of retribution from the world. She hadn't spoken a word the morning after returning from the night with the Khal, where Vaegon knew full well that she had been taken forcefully by the savage. The thought itself stung anytime it appeared in his mind. When she had returned from that night, she had said nothing as she slid from her silver horse, a still face looking no where other than the ground. He had watched her be ushered by slave women into her tent, silent as could be. From that day, the two hadn't spoke. A sennight had passed and the Dothraki hoard had already begun it's trek away from the outskirts of Pentos and towards the tall Dothraki sea of grass. Away from civilization.

Vaegon stared ahead blankly as he rode his horse, eyes scanning the many, many, black haired heads that formed a seemingly endless line until his eyes finally landed on two silver ones far ahead. Unfortunately, Viserys had insisted on accompanying the the Khalasar into the grass sea to ensure that bargain he'd been promised was fulfilled. It seemed that he was never too far from Daenerys, almost as if to ensure he could still reign his authority over her so he would receive his promised army. Vaegon kept his distance, and had ever since they left Pentos. He kept to himself, speaking to few and preferring isolation when not on horseback. The only person who would come to him was Ser Jorah, who rode at his side then.

"If I may speak plainly, Your Grace, you have seemed to be in a dark place as of late," the knight stated at Vaegon's side. God's be damned, the older man was ever observant.

"You're observant," he replied.

"I am," Jorah agrees. "It's easy to see the broken heart of any man. Especially a man who has lost his lover."

The words stung, but Vaegon knew they were true. He didn't want to admit them to anyone, but if he were to be forced to speak about the matter, it might as well be with Ser Jorah. The man seemed understanding enough, considering the situation of the subject.

"It's not easy, I understand," Jorah went on. "I've experienced similar pain. Losing a woman is something I wouldn't wish on anyone."

"How so?" Vaegon asked. He knew little of the knight.

Jorah sighed, looking down as if to think of some long lost memory that was painful for him to dig up. "I was once married to a beautiful woman. She loved the finest things coin could buy and always begged to me, yet when I struggled to provide, she grew uneasy. I did things that are seen as wrong in Westeros just to provide for her relentless cravings, Your Grace. Things that called for my head."

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