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The car smelled of beer and sex when Billy brought me home

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The car smelled of beer and sex when Billy brought me home. On the way we listened to the radio on low to set the mood while he had his hand on the inside of my thigh.

Every time he'd give it a squeeze I would feel a shock of guilt striking through my chest but a sense of pleasure in my lower region. It was tempting to make him pull over so we could have another go at what we were experiencing earlier, but I had to be home since it was already dark and I had to be home nearly two hours ago.

When he stopped outside my house to turn into the driveway I put my hand on his arm to tell him to stop as I saw Steve's burgundy BMW sitting outside.

Immediately he listened and stopped the car from going any further, but he raised his dark eyebrows at me.
"You don't want me to go in anymore?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Here's fine."

He gave me a sigh and glanced at the driveway then back to me. "You don't want your brother seeing me. I get it."

"Not to be rude," I started. "But what just happened back there can not be allowed to leave this car. Ever. If Steve or anyone found out I was with you for two hours then they'll flip. Let alone what was happening in those two hours."

"I won't say anything." He shook his head in denial. "As long as it happens again."

He leaned over the console of his car to close the space between us. He pressed a kiss against my temple but didn't back away.

Instead he went to my ear and said in a low voice, "Shall we say tomorrow night. Same time? Maybe even during detention if we're lucky."

I took deep breaths when I felt his hot breathing on my neck. With his hand still on my thigh I knew I couldn't last much longer in this car without jumping his bones again.

I wanted to shake my head no but the feeling I was experiencing inside made me stop and think about what could happen in the best way.

I felt his lips press against the skin of my neck in the most gratifying way. One by one he trailed his lips down to my collarbone then back to the edge of my earlobe. He stopped for a brief second and released a sigh.

"Please say yes, baby." I heard him breathing in my ear.

His hand was moving more towards my underwear that had been previously torn off and thrown on the dashboard.

What was occurring in my body something so strong and unbearable. I wanted nothing more than to sneak him into my house but I knew Steve and his antics. In fact, I knew he would be pestering me about his homework tonight until the early morning.

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