𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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April 25th, 1985

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April 25th, 1985

I watched Evelyn carefully as she sorted books and papers with Teddy at her aide. Nearly every time I saw this woman she had the biggest grin on her face only because she was believing in a lie.

It was merely a matter of time before one of us revealed the truth to her or royally screwed up our plans.
I didn't know if I could take much more of this pressure. The weight on my shoulders felt unbearable as I received darting eyes from Teddy.

"Kristal, darling," He gave me a forced smile like how he did the last time his grandmother was near.

Just then Evelyn glanced at the both of us with a loving emotion and carried on organizing her stacks of books.

"My grandma would like to know if you want to go out with us for dinner tonight." Teddy struggled to say as he was hoping I'd say no to avoid going out on a date with him.

I paused myself to have some thought.

If I went out then I'd be leaving Billy alone at my house with Steve-not exactly the best idea to have especially with their history-, but if I didn't go then I would be suspected or questioned by Evelyn.

All in all, I was stumped.
I had nowhere else to go except to tell the truth, but that doesn't always set you free. Sometimes it gets you into trouble too.

Without wasting another second I spoke.

Why did I say that?

I mentally sighed.
Whatever. I'm sure later I could call Evelyn and cancel last minute. It's not a big deal.

"Fantastic!" Evelyn cheered, being careful with how loud she was in her library.

Teddy and I averted our eyes to her.

Her eyes were bright with her big grin. I could feel my heart dropping at the sight.
"I'm craving pizza for tonight. I know the heartburn will kill me later, but how does that sound to y'all?"

I shared a quick telepathic glance to Teddy.
"Okay." I shrugged, acting nonchalant.

Inside I could hear myself screaming at the top of my lungs. I was completely stressed with this situation of handling Teddy as my fake date while Billy was my real one.

I felt a slight chill running down my spine when I noticed Teddy's burning stare in the corner of my eye. Not only were we "official" as a couple but it was also official that he hated me.

𝐇𝐨𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now