𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"I'm so happy to find out my pension is enough to last me until I'm dead

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"I'm so happy to find out my pension is enough to last me until I'm dead." Evelyn said in the most satisfied way she has in a while.

Teddy stood next to her as he stamped the ticket on the returned books.
"Your pension must be shit if it's only gonna last you a year or two."

I couldn't stop myself from releasing a throaty laugh as Evelyn swatted her grandson on the arm.
"You're speaking nonsense." She hissed at him then fixed her face to make it look softer. "I'm merely forty two."

"Oh, spare me," Teddy scoffed. "You were forty two when Elvis took his last shit."

In return Evelyn gave him a death stare then swatted at him again and pointed her finger as a warning.
"Mind your tongue. There are children around."

I giggled at the scene between the grandmother and grandson, but my lack of sleep was getting to me. I couldn't suppress the yawn that came from deep within my lungs. Perhaps I stayed up too late with Billy last night?

"What's wrong with you?"
I heard Evelyn ask as I finished my stretchy yawn.

I was about to answer when I felt a presence join us from one of the nearby library desks.

Steve quickly darted out to join us at the front with a signature smirk.
"Well, Miss Peters, the reason to what's wrong with my sister was she up all night with her boyfriend-Ouch!"

I used the heel of my shoe to stomp on Steve's foot. I didn't want to risk blowing mine and Billy's cover and have Evelyn freak out then turn me into the office. Although she was my friend she does have the right to tell on me. She always says the best thing to do is learn from your mistakes even if the best of your friends betrays you. I always rolled my eyes at that saying. Now it just puts a sickening feeling in my gut.

"Boyfriend?" Evelyn asked, making my stomach flip, but not at all in a good way.

I sighed and put a forced smile on my lips. My eyes somehow moved to Teddy who was just as bewildered as I was. Past his bruised nose that had just been fixed recently, his eyes were as big as dinner plates and he had the same murderous look I did but it was directed to Steve while mine stayed anywhere but Evelyn.

"Yeah," I choked out then pressed my mouth close.

I had to do something with my hands to hold back the urge to strangle Steve to death, so I ran them through my hair and crossed my arms to hide how sweaty they were.

"So you've finally moved on from your ex husband." She beamed at me. "What's his name?"

My heart stopped and I looked to Teddy for help. The murderous look turn into sympathy when he caught my searching eyes.

𝐇𝐨𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now