Chapter 7- The Dark Acolyte

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Kylo Ren stood in the elevator of Allegiant General Pryde's Dreadnought, Pryde wanted an update, and so like he had so many times before, on the Supremacy, Kylo was making his way to the throne room. Kylo saw the grand chamber and its occupants as the elevator opened with a hiss. Unlike the one on the Supremacy, this throne room was not swathed in red fabric. Nothing covered the floor-to-ceiling viewing bays, the blackness of space scattered with stars was visible panoramically but was interjected with structural posts, red Sith troopers and Kylo's Knights. 

Opposite the elevator, Allegiant General Pryde stood by the throne and on the throne sat a person, a person wearing Kylo's helmet! Except it wasn't his helmet, not precisely. Red borders like bleeding wounds were dispersed across its surface. The visible cracks of Sarrissan iron, Kylo realised, holding the pieces together; the pieces of his mask that he'd left shattered upon the floor of the Supremacy after Snoke had chided him cruelly. Around the masked man, Kylo could almost see an ominous phantom haze. Kylo paused in the elevator. The dark shadow in the Force he'd felt in his chambers on Malachor was here, forcing its wicked, mysterious will upon him with spidery fingers. He could feel it almost crushing the breath from his chest. The whispered promises were so loud he was sure others could hear them. He stepped out of the elevator and walked forward, embracing his fear, feeding off it like he did pain and anger. These feelings made him strong.

"Ren," Pryde spoke as though nothing strange was occurring, as though this were a simple meeting of colleagues. "What did you find on Kijimi?"

The figure wearing the helmet did not speak; he simply surveyed him with interest. Kylo maintained his composure as though nothing was untoward and responded.

"A bounty hunter named Zorii Bliss met with the Resistance. When we arrived, they had gone, departed together. None of the patrons who frequented the bar heard or saw anything worth telling us. Captain Peavey has the bounty hunters' transport details and has informed our spy network that the First Order is looking for it. We'll find it soon."

"How disappointing," Pryde simpered.

The helmeted figure extended a long pale finger from beneath a flowing sleeve, and Pryde bent to hear what was said before he continued speaking to Kylo.

"I'm sure you've been aware that although I give the orders, I am not the creator of them. Allow me to introduce to you Letan Nex, dark acolyte, to the essence of our illustrious leader, Emperor Palpatine."

Kylo's eyes shifted to the man seated on the throne, but he made no other movement and spoke no words. The shock within him he held along with his breath as he watched as the man in his mask stood and walked towards him. His exposed hands, the only part of him that Kylo could see, were translucently pale. The skin was so paper-thin it showed the veins beneath, and the outline of the bones and knuckles was evident. Kylo could see that beneath the dark clothing and heavy cloak, the man was wraith thin. Barely concealed beneath his dark robe was a belt attached to which were two lightsabers; Darth Sidious had wielded two lightsabers though he rarely used them, preferring his corruptive Force lightning. Within the helmet, the man spoke; his voice was hideous and familiar, a rasping, arid sound that grated on Kylo's mind.

"At last, my boy, Kylo Ren. Traitor to your master Supreme Leader Snoke and heir to Lord Vader. Snoke was foolish arrogant within the dark not to see your inevitable betrayal. Snoke's weakness was his inability to see your intention was always to replace him. You've grown powerful since you murdered him. No need to hide the truth and your desires, your strength. I see all."

The man extended his fingers and probed Kylo's mind, not entirely, but enough. Kylo felt what this acolyte was doing and managed to place barriers around some of his mind, but not enough and not quickly enough. As a youth, Tai had always told him that he'd hid much of himself locked away tightly. Here, he hid those feelings and memories he needed to keep secret. Not even Snoke had been able to probe him, to sift around his thoughts. No matter how Kylo fought it, he could not block all of himself from this dark enforcer; the strain was excruciating, causing him to quiver with the exertion.

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