Chapter 21- The Knights of Ren

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Ben raced through the trees, his troops in perfect combat formation behind him, aimed at the Sith troopers and Knights heading their way. Ap'lek Ren, with his blackened Mandalorian executioner's axe, was ahead of the others and the first Ben came into contact with as he swung his lightsaber to the side. Without slowing his pace, he charged straight into the Knight, pile-driving him, catapulting Ap'lek off his feet and searing his armour and flesh with the hilt of his lightsaber. He drove Ap'lek to the ground, Ap'lek's helmeted head striking the scorched earth hard. Ben's saber cut through the body to the red ground beneath as he bent beside Ap'lek's corpse. The dead woodland around him was alight with laser fire and blaster bolts. Fires burned the dry earth as white First Order stormtroopers fired at the crimson Sith troopers.

Kuruk Ren charged at a group of Ben's stormtroopers, bolt after blaster bolt penetrating his clothing apparently without incident, as Kuruk fired his sniper with devastating accuracy. The odds, however, were not in Kuruk's favour, and as he became riddled with fire, he eventually fell face-first upon the ground. Kuruk was not merely a sniper but carried an arsenal of other weapons. As he fell to the ground, the grenades upon his belt exploded, and troopers white and red garbed alike flew into the air in an eruption of red dirt and dead trees.

Before Ben, Cardo Ren and Ushar Ren were fixedly walking in his direction. Ben took a breath, standing and removing his lightsaber from Ap'lek's corpse. Ben recovered his footing, swinging his lightsaber in his hand, reading himself for the onslaught. Cardo Ren's wicked spiked mace propelled sideways at him, and Ben spun under it, slashing at Cardo's back as he stood upright behind the Knight. Now Ushar was heading for him, his double-ended club poised. Ben swung at Ushar, striking the Knight in his left side, and he heard a grunt and saw the black clothing spark and burn. Ushar turned from him, touching his bleeding ribs indifferently. Behind him, Ben could sense Cardo had recovered, though not entirely. Ben leapt over Cardo, grabbed the Knight by his shoulder and plunged his lightsaber deep into Cardo's chest, spearing him. Ushar was advancing on Ben now, and Ben surveyed the situation from behind Cardo's dying form, using his fatally injured Knight as a shield. Ben could foresee Ushar's every intended move within the Force before he started making them. Ben threw Cardo's slumped body from his lightsaber and then lowered his position spinning on his foot, sweeping his saber out towards Ushar's legs. He cut through one of Ushar's legs with his saber, severing it from his body, and Ushar fell to the ground; his balance faltered. As Ushar lay on the floor attempting to get himself up, Ben pierced his Knight's back through the top of the shoulders with his lightsaber. Ushar leaned back on his arms and quaked with pain, the intensity of his shuddering increasing until he suddenly stilled, arms giving way, and his helmeted head struck the floor. He never made a sound. Ben removed his lightsaber from Ushar's corpse.

Only Trudgen and Vicrul remained. Turning his head to the side, Ben could sense their impending approach. Trudgen raised his broad sword above his head, intending to sever Ben's head from his body, but Ben managed to block him. As he did, Vicrul's staff caught him across the face, and he spun onto his knees. His jaw stung, and he could taste blood in his mouth. With no time to consider further, Ben immediately had to block Trudgen from splitting him in half. Ben growled through gritted teeth, straining to stand back up. Vicrul struck him in the legs with his staff, and Ben fell onto all fours. Trudgen used this opportunity to slash up Ben's back with his sword. Ben strained backwards in pain and roared. Ben tried to centre himself, letting the Force calm him; he must use the light, not just the dark. Pain, suffering and patience these feelings fed the Force in him. He was its weapon. Harnessing the Force, Ben held Trudgen in place. He could sense Vicrul behind him. He extinguished his saber to spin it quickly in his hand to face behind him. Holding the hilt to this side, he reignited it, piercing Vicrul behind him through the stomach. 


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