End of the quarter pressures and CLOAKS

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Edit 11/30/2014

So apparently I never published this?

oh well

this was like, near the end of October


So, as all you irl friends know the end of the quarter is coming, very quickly and most classes that have any future grades for this week are transferring to the next quarter.

I am very afraid. Grades are very important to me and I get pretty stressed out by them but sometimes, I just find school to be ridiculous. When will I ever use algebra (if I'm not in an accounting/engineering/ect. field)? When will I ever need to use Formalism to critique a piece of art? When will I ever need to know what organelles are in a cell (if I’m not going to be in a biology related field, which I am certain will be the case)?

Never, and algebra sure, it’s useful, sometimes but most of the time it’s just simpler to use a calculator. Really, we have calculators so why can’t we use them?

In other news, for Halloween, my mother made my brother a cloak for his Ranger’s Apprentice costume and it’s awesome. I have a thing for cloaks, dressy clothes in general but… cloaks. I borrowed it for a bit and took a picture, it’s going to be my profile picture until I get a prettier one. Yup.

But in all seriousness, math, ugh.

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!


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