Guild and a Cool Song

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So today, I had my Guild audition. Its basically where you get graded on your performance,  like if you went to a band competition. The judge was pretty nice and the piano I played on wasn't all to different from the one I have. Yup, I feel like I did pretty well.

Went back to school and stuffs, had classes, the usual and after school I had to make up a run. I actually got pretty lucky considering that I only had to run two laps instead of the usual three. I sweat bullets afterwards though. Oh well.

If you've never met me irl, then you probably don't know that I like to sing, a lot. It's not like I'm in chorus, I just like singing. I can sass up or depressify any song. It's fun to me and recdntly I found a song that I really like, it's kinda country but not really. It's "This Song saved My Life" by Simple Plan. It sounds really cool and its my latest fav.

"I wanna start, by letting you know this.

Thanks to you, my life has a purpose.

You helped me be who I am today.

I see myself in every word you say.

Sometimes it feels like nobody gets me.

Stuck in a world where everyone hates me.

But you let me know like no one else, that it's okay to be myself.

I was broken

I was chokin'

You  came on,

This song saved my life

I was bleedin'

Stopped believin'

You came on,

This song saved my life.

I was lost, I was drowning

but you came on just in time~

This song saved my life."

Some of its probably wrong due to this being my memory but whatevs. BTdubs, this song reminds me of you Blissy. Thanks for being my bff when I was too scared to come out of my cave of social akwardness. Thanks for putting up with my strange and stupid habits. Love ya.


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