Chapter 4 ⦔ Hydrangea Petiolaris

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Breen was reshelving books. It was boring and mundane but the pay was decent. Then the girl walked. He didn't know her name but he recognized her face. The first reason he recognized her face was the girl was stunning. She had a face that wasn't simple. The details of her features were exquisite and Breen doubted the most accomplished painter in the world could capture her beauty and energy. 

The second reason Breen recognized the girl was she had been in the book store twice before. Both times she had brought enough books to fill a small library. She took a range of books from trashy romance to books on complex science. 

"Hello, how can I help you?" Asked Breen as the girl wandered through the shelves. 

"Oh, actually I have a list. If it is at all possible would you be able to order me these books? I will pay any cost of course." Said the girl as she pulled out a large list out of her purse, handing it to Breen. 

"Yeah, that would be fine. Can I get a way to contact you so we can inform you when the books arrive?" The girl pulled a pen out of her purse and wrote her address, phone number, and email down at the bottom of the list. Her handwriting was neat yet it flowed beautifully across the thick paper. 

"Would I be able to get a name for the order?" 

"Of course. I'm Adelia Chambers." Adelia looked at the boy's name tag. "Nice meeting you again Breen. See you soon, hopefully." Adelia laughed as she walked out of the store with the boy's eyes following her until she disappeared out of sight. 

Breen sighed as he got back to his work but his thoughts remained on Adelia. It was far to hard to get a girl like Adelia out of your mind decided Breen. 

Adelia ran through her house sliding gracefully into the kitchen before grabbing the phone gracefully off its hook.

"Hello, it's Breen from 'Livro Books' I have your order for you to pick up in-store."

"Really it's only been a few days. I'll get in the car to come pick them up. See you soon Breen."

Adelia walked into the bookstore and Breen had to admire however single time he saw her she was dressed to perfection. 

"Here are your books. Can I help you get those to your car?" Asked Breen after Adelia paid. Adelia nodded happily and the pair took two trips to drop the books into the back seat of Adelia's car. Adelia was getting in the car when Breen had to stop her.

"Um wait, Adelia. Would you maybe like to go on a date with me?"

"I would love to Breen. You have my phone number, call me with a plan. Bye Breen." Said Adelia before she pulled her down to cover her eyes. Adelia drove off leaving behind Breen, amazed that she said yes to him. 

Adelia was making cocktails. There were a few reasons for this. Number one, Adelia wanted a drink. Number two, Adelia deserved a drink. So Adelia was making Mint Juleps. Adelia, however, had to pause her cocktail making when her doorbell rang.

Adelia swung open the door to reveal the Beta of the pack next door. Adelia didn't know this of course but never the less she invited him in after he told her that he lived next door. Adelia served him up a Mint Julep before she led him to the living room.

"So how can I help you today Levi?" Asked Adelia as she took a sip of her drink. 

"Who owns the house? What happened to Mr. Chambers? Who are you?"

"I am Adelia Chambers, I own the house, and Mr. Chambers is dead now please kindly leave."

"I am so sorry. Was he your?" Trailed off the Beta now feeling very uncomfortable and guilty. 

"Yes, he was my dear Father. Now he is buried 6 feet underground.  Plot 397 in the town cemetery if you want to visit." Adelia got up, snatching the Mint Julep out of the beta's hands and she threw their glasses into the sink where they promptly shattered. "Please get out of my house."

The Beta scampered out of her house trying to avoid any more uncomfortable situations. He returned to the packhouse where he told everyone exactly who the woman was. The pack mourned Mr. Chambers' death that night. They saw Adelia under a new light however they all wondered where she had been all the years they had known Mr. Chambers. 

Adelia, on the other hand, was busy getting ready for her date. She made sure she was dressed perfectly as it gave her a sense of control. She blurted out her secrets to the neighbors but she could control the fact that they would all never see her without her armor. She craved the feeling of protection that a nice outfit gave her. 

Adelia got into her car and she drove to a bar where Breen had told her his friend's band would be performing. Adelia found the idea to be sweet. As she walked into the dimly lit pub she saw Breen with a small group of people. Instead of walking over to the group of people she made her way to the bar where she ordered a drink. 

Breen wished he had given a more specific time for Adelia to arrive. He couldn't see her and his friends were taking a great level of joy out of teasing the poor boy. He had talked her up maybe just a bit too much. Now he was worried a girl like her wouldn't even show up for a boy like him. 

"Sorry, I'm a tad late. The line at the bar was awful." Adelia pulled Breen into a hug before she introduced herself to his friends. They all stood there shocked as they looked at the girl. They all thought Breen had been overreacting but it seems he didn't say a single lie about the girl. She was graceful, confident, and an energy shone off of her that wrapped around each person she was with. It brought them into her wonderful world and when she left they felt strangely empty without her presence.

Adelia spent that night dazzling Breen's friends. Breen himself was incredibly lost in the girl and as she went from the bar to the area where people were dancing throughout the night his eyes followed her. When she kissed him at the end of the night he thought he had a genuine out of body experience. 

Adelia smiled as she lay in bed that night. It had been nice to do something just for the fun of it. So Adelia stared up her roof smiling before drifting to sleep.  

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