Chapter 20 ⦔ Cup of Gold

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Ottilie, Markus, Adelia, and Tamsyn were all sitting in Adelia's living room after the chaos that they had just caused in the packhouse.

"So how long have you been with Markus?" Asked Tamsyn while Adelia was pouring them all lemonade. Ottilie went red while Markus just took a sip from his glass.

"A while. To be honest it is kinda hard to find a proper date we actually got together because being mates it kinda blurs together until you are marked." Smiled Ottilie as she looked to Markus.

"Well, it is lovely to meet the girl Markus loves. You are welcome around any time. Now, will you be staying for dinner?" Asked Adelia as she wanted to know Ottilie better.

"Yes please if it's not too much bother."

"It's no bother at all. We will have to make a feast anyway for the witch."

"Hey!" Protested Tamsyn even though witches needed to eat a lot to perform magic they were often sensitive about the topic.

"You can stay the night too if you want."

"Oh, that would be lovely."

"Now would you like me to change the sheets on Markus' bed or I can set up on of the guest rooms if you would be more comfortable." Ottilie went bright red and leaned into Markus' shoulder in hopes of avoiding any further embarrassment.

For the rest of the night, Ottilie got to know Adelia, Adelia got to talk to Tamsyn, and Markus got his favorite people in one room together. It was all very peaceful and sweet.

A few hours later Markus was lying in his bed while watching his mate take off her top and slide into one of his to sleep in. She had a pair of his boxer shorts on that exposed most of her long legs.

As Ottilie lay in his bed hiding him tightly Markus had never felt so content. A year ago he had been a rabid wolf that had no one, living in the bush. Now he had a mate, a bed, clothes, an education, shelter, reliable food, and a woman who had taken him in without a second thought. It was easy to sleep that night.

Markus was at school. Despite the fact that Adelia adored Markus she did like the hours when the house went silent. She could clean, paint, and listen to music without fear of any interruption.

However, while Adelia was backing ginger crunch she heard a knock on the door. Adelia was surprised to see Alpha Evert standing on her doorstep.

"This is a surprise, what can I do for you?"

"May I come in?"

"Of course." Said Adelia as she opened the door and led the Alpha into the kitchen.

For Evert, it was like something out of a dream as he watched Adelia continue to bake. For Adelia, it felt strange. He seemed to want to talk to her yet as she worked he remained silent.

"Adelia what have you been told about mates?" Asked Evert, finally breaking the silence that had filled the room.

"I know they are a werewolves other half. You believe they are made for you and your wolves are very attracted to them. Then you bite them and you are tied to them forever." Said Adelia simply as she began to cut the ginger crunch into slices, placing one in front of Evert.

Adelia looked at Evert who wasn't saying anything but instead looking down at his hands. In that moment Adelia realized.

"Oh, am I your mate?" Asked Adelia not quite sure how to respond to such a claim. Evert didn't respond verbally but instead nodded. Adelia froze unsure of how to respond. "Well, I suppose we should probably go on a date then."

"Are you serious?" Asked Evert thinking Adelia would freak out.

"Well if I don't like you I can always reject you but a date wouldn't kill me. You do believe we are meant to be together and while I disagree with most mate principals, dating you wouldn't be the most horrific thing I have ever faced."

"Can I pick you up tonight at 8?"

"No just send me the address and I will meet you there. Tell me how nice to dress though. It would be horrid if I showed up to the beach in a ballgown." Said Adelia and Evert was quite sure he was in love.

By the time Evert left Adelia's house, he had his mate's phone number and they had a date. He felt like a child. He had felt truly alive for the first time since Adelia had arrived in town all those months ago.

Adelia had arrived at the nice restaurant looking stunning. She found Evert quickly and sat across from him while he smiled up at her.

They sat making small talk until the waitress came to take their orders.

"Hello, can I please get the walnut, fig, and blue cheese risotto with the white wine that comes with that."

"Can I get the rare filet minion with a glass of whiskey?" Asked Evert and Adelia scoffed.

"Ah, you werewolves are all the same. I could make Markus and Laila a feast but nothing makes them happier than slightly undercooked meat." Evert and Adelia laughed and they faded easily into conversation.

Once they left the restaurant they walked down the waterfront together just talking. Adelia soon noticed that despite the fact that Evert was looking at her he wasn't listening to what she was saying.

"Evert are you okay?"

"Yes, I am sorry I just zoned out. Can I kiss you?" Blurted Evert and Adelia leaned in and kissed him softly before pulling away.

"I thought you would say no." Admitted Evert shyly as the pair continued to walk down the waterfront.

"Why would I? It's not like it's our first kiss." Laughed Adelia while Evert stopped in his tracks.

"That was our first kiss."

"No, it wasn't."

"Yes, it was. I would remember if I had kissed you before."

"Well, you clearly don't. I distinctly remember kissing you when we were children."


"One night you saw me crying in the garden and then you kissed me and then I ran away."

"Wait you were that little girl? Why did you never leave the house? We always saw you in the window but you never went to school or played in the garden."

"We weren't allowed. The night you found me I had left but then I realized I couldn't leave my brother."

Evert looked horrified and swept Adelia up into her arms. Adelia assured Evert she was okay before they walked back to their cars and went home.  

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