Chapter 9 ⦔ Akebia Quinata

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Ottilie was curious. She had a mate and she was quite sure she would never have one but all of a sudden a strange wolf appeared next door. She only saw his wolf but her wolf most certainly liked what she saw. She had the overwhelming need to talk to him and get to know him but she couldn't.

Ottilie hadn't seen her mate as a rogue and she hadn't watched the human turn him but she had heard the stories as they were whispered around the pack. She hadn't told anyone they were mates yet. Ottilie wasn't stupid and she had seen how irritated the rogue made the Alpha. You never test an Alpha. It ends with someone dead. Instead, Ottilie kept silent. She kept her cards close to her chest as she always did. People talked in a pack and Ottilie wasn't going to give them something to talk about.

Ottilie's mother was a high up warrior in the pack and when she retired she became one of the Alpha's most trusted advisors. She knew that if the Alpha were to do something about the rogue next door then her mother would know about it.

"Mum I want to follow you while you do your pack duties for the next few days. I think I should take a more active role in the pack and I would really love to know what you do." Ottilie lied to her Mum without a second thought. She loved her mother but she knew her mother loved the pack more than she loved her daughter.

"Oh, darling I would love that. You have half an hour to get ready before we have our first meeting."

Ottilie was invisible throughout the day. It was her goal to be but the amount she learned about the pack was scary. People forgot she was there and talked freely about their secrets in front of her.

Yet Ottilie heard nothing about her mate. That was until the Alpha finally walked into her mother's office.

"Nicole I need you for something."

"Yes Alpha, what can I do for you?"

"Adelia has left her house and we are going to go interrogate the rogue." Ottilie was glad her back was turned to the Alpha and her mother as they couldn't see her expression.

Ottilie stood in silence while one of the pack warriors crawled through the window and let in the rest of the warriors who joined them on this journey. She was soon engulfed in her mate's scent and she could feel goosebumps gather on her skin while she bathed in the smell.

"Follow me." Said the Alpha as he led them up a staircase closer to her mate.

"It's a stunning home." Commented one of the warriors and they were not wrong but Ottilie was focused on her mate, not on the bloody architecture.

The Alpha burst into a room where Ottilie's mate was asleep on the bed in wolf form. His eyes immediately were drawn to hers. Ottilie smiled softly as her mate ignored the people in the room only focusing on her.

"Shift!" Commanded the Alpha and much to Ottilie's surprise he did. She closed her eyes to give her mate some modesty. When she heard the ruffle of a blanket she opened her eyes.

He was perfect. His body was coated with lean muscle and scars. His hair was dark and short. His skin was a dark brown but it was his eyes that drew Ottilie in. His eyes were so soft and so kind as he stared at her with eyes that held such a deep affection captured in them. Ottilie's heart raced and she felt her cheeks warm while she looked down at her shoes.

"What do you want from me?" Asked the boy who still was still nameless for Ottilie.


"I don't have much information to offer you."

"Don't test me, rogue."

"Let's make a deal, give me ten minutes alone with the girl and I'll answer any questions you have."

"No. What could you possibly want with my daughter?" Snapped Ottilie's mother while everyone stared at Ottilie.

"What would anyone want with their mate?"

That's when the room turned into chaos. Ottilie's mother shoved Ottilie behind her while her wolf growled deeply. Each and every warrior had a mix of shock and horror on their faces at such a revelation. The Alpha snapped an order through the mind link and soon Ottilie was being marched out of the house while her mate watched with a comforting grin.

"What the Hell was that about?" Snapped Ottilie's mother once she had locked Ottilie in her room. "You are staying here where that rogue can't hurt you." With that Ottilie's mother stormed out of her room leaving Ottilie inside to dream of her mate.

You see everyone in the pack had expected Ottilie would be the mate of an Alpha. Her mother was a well respected and high up warrior. Her father was once of the best trackers in the pack. Having a rogue as a mate didn't bother Ottilie but it would leave a lot of pack members disappointed.

Ottilie fiercely wiped a tear from her cheek when she felt the entire packhouse begin to vibrate. A howl could be heard for miles but Ottilie knew it was coming from her mate. The howl was not sad but hopeful, a promise. A promise that soon they would be together. Ottilie slept peacefully that night knowing her mate was nearby and his soft brown eyes would be waiting for her.

Markus was also sleeping soundly that night. For the first time in a long few years, Markus and his wolf could agree on something. That they wanted their mate. So Markus was curled up on Adelia's bed sleeping peacefully while Adelia ran her hands through his thick fur coat.

Alpha Evert, on the other hand, was burning with jealousy. How dare that rogue share a bed with his mate. So Alpha Evert stayed awake trying to find a solution to his problem. He had a mate but she was human. She lived with a rogue however that she believed was just an injured wolf. It was hardly a simple situation.

Laila laughed. She shouldn't have laughed but she could barely help it. Her Alpha was so upset about some silly teenager that had a mate sleeping on the end of Adelia's bed when the woman had a fucking boyfriend.

"Please share Laila." Snapped an Elder as some of the pack discussed the issue at breakfast one morning.

"Oh, it's nothing."

"Laila I command you to tell us." Snapped the Alpha giving a command. Laila could not physically disobey her Alpha's command. Her wolf would never let her.

"It was just funny that you were worried about Leo when Breen is the one dating her." The entire table of people went deadly silent while Alpha Evert threw a glass against the wall.

"What?" Snapped the Alpha forcing Laila to elaborate.

"Well, Leo is what Adelia calls the rogue wolf and Breen is the man she is actually dating. They haven't had sex or anything but they have definitely kissed and stuff." Alpha Evert stormed out of the room just as Laila was finishing that last sentence and she breathed a sigh of relief that she was no longer under her Alpha's command.

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