Chapter 13 ⦔ Algerian Ivy

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Carola was worried about her employee. He was an extremely loyal employee. He would call in sick quite often but each time he would do everything in his power to make up for it when he was better and Carola knew he truly cared about her bookstore. That's why when Breen hadn't shown up to work for three days in a row without so much as a call she was worried. 

Carola had decided to try to find out what had happened on a Wednesday when he had missed his fourth shift. With a quick call to his emergency contacts and a visit to his house it was obvious no one had seen him. His cousin who worked at one of the town's insurance agencies had told her over the phone she would be down during in her lunch break to talk to Carola.

"Hi, are you, Carola Ramirez? We spoke over the phone I'm Emma Long, Breen's cousin." The woman shook hands and Carola quickly led her into a backroom while another employee looked after the storefront.

"So as I told you over the phone your cousin has missed four shifts which is very unlike him. I went to his house earlier and the place was deserted. You're his only emergency contact that lives in the town so I just wanted to check with you if you have any idea if he is okay."

The woman talked for half an hour before Emma had to go back to work but they decided Emma would go to her cousin's house that night to check if his things were all there and if things looked suspicious she would file a missing person's report the next morning. 

Adelia heard a knock on her door as she was cooking her lunch. When she opened the door she was not expecting to see two policemen on the other side of it. 

"May I help you officers?" 

"Yes, are you Adelia Chambers?"

"That would be me."

"Can we please have a word with you, Ma'am?"

"Of course please come inside officers. Can I offer you something to eat or drink? Take a seat in here and I'll be back in just a moment with some lemonade and biscuits. It is far too hot to be drinking tea or coffee in this kind of weather."

Adelia had sat down in her lounge after bringing plenty of food into the lounge for the officers to enjoy. She knew they had questions but she had very little idea as to what but Adelia was very cautious to not give anything away. 

"Is it true you are involved with Breen Long?" 

"Yes, we have been seeing each other for maybe two months give or take. Why is he okay?"

"I'm sorry Ma'am but Mr. Long has been missing for a week. Have you seen his since Saturday last week?" 

Adelia was shocked. Breen wasn't the type of person to go missing. He lived a simple, plain but happy life. Adelia was the type to disappear in the night but not Breen. Adelia began to bite her nails and her shoulders tensed. 

"I saw him last Thursday for a simple date but when he didn't text me afterwards I didn't really think anything of it. Do they think he has been hurt?" A loud creak of the floorboards could be heard in the hallway interrupting Adelia as Hugo walked past pausing at the sight of the police in his sister's living room. "Officers this is my brother, Hugo. Hugo the officers were just asking me questions because Breen is missing."

"Did you know Mr. Long well?" Asked one of the officers while Hugo squirmed under their gaze.

"Not really. I had seen him a couple of times picking up my sister but I hadn't really ever said more than a few words to him. Adelia I can cancel my thing if you need support right now."

"Don't be silly. I'll be fine just drive safe." Hugo smiled at his sister, kissing her on the head before giving the officers a once over with his eyes. The door slammed behind him as he stormed off to wherever he was heading.

"I am so sorry officers. A similar thing happened to our mother when we were children but she ended up dead and my brother has never been the same since then. He still finds it quite a hard topic." Said Adelia while the officers gave her a sympathetic smile. Before they left they gave her a card asking her to call if she had more information. 

Laila and her friends were struggling. They had all accepted the fact they were all going to fail chemistry. They all sat around Adelia's table as they had found Adelia's house was the perfect place to host a study group. There was always good food, nice drinks, and no younger or older siblings to bother them. They were completely left alone at Adelia's house and it was heavenly. 

"I'm going to fail. I have accepted it at this point and I should just take the F with pride." Groaned Laila's friend and the group replied agreeing. 

Just then Hugo walked past the dining room with a plate of lunch. 

"Wait, Hugo, what do you know about chemistry?" Asked Laila causing Hugo to peer at the papers spread out on the table. 

"I am shit at chemistry. Why don't you ask Adelia? She is the one with a biochemistry degree."

"Wait she has a biochem degree?" Asked Laila shocked.

"Yup she has two degrees, one in biochem and one in law."

"Why didn't she mention it the whole time I've known her while I've been failing chemistry."

"You know Adelia, she doesn't like bragging or talking about herself. You should have just asked her help. Adelia doesn't like to act it but she knows everything about everything. She lets people believe she is stupid despite being one of the most well-read and intelligent people I have ever met."

 Laila was shocked. First of all, she had never heard Hugo talk that much in one moment but while Laila knew Adelia was smart she didn't know she was that smart. When Adelia came to teach her and her friend's chemistry it became very clear that Adelia had a deep understanding and love of the topic. Besides they were overjoyed a few weeks later to find out they had all gotten at least a B on their latest chemistry test.

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