Chapter 10 ⦔ Star Jasmine

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Hannah was worried about her brother. He was stressed and distant yet he refused to tell her what was wrong. He was supposed to become Beta in a few months and she was worried the stress was getting to him. So Hannah knew she had to do something.

"Myles get in the car. We are going on a road trip." 

"What? Where are we going? Is somebody hurt?" Asked Myles as he looked stressed and worried.

"No of course not. I've just noticed you have been stressed lately and so I decided we are gonna take a road trip to Uncle Kip's lake house so we can just relax for the weekend. Don't worry I cleared your schedule and Mum and Dad support it. Come on Myles you need the break."

"Okay fine." Said, Myles before he hopped into the car and his sister began the two-hour drive to their uncle's lake house. 

The cabin was beautiful and the lake was calm and peaceful yet Hannah could still see how tense her brother was. He sat on the jetty over the lake with his feet dangling in the air. As Hannah approached Myles laughed.

"God, you are horrible at sneaking up on people." Laughed Myles and Hannah rolled her eyes going to sit by her brother. She lay her head on his shoulder and sighed.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" 

"Yeah, I know."

"So tell me."


"Myles, come on I'm worried about you."

"Do you promise not to tell a single person? Especially no one in the pack."

"Yeah of course."

"I found my mate."

"Oh my god, Myles that's wonderful." Hannah hugged her brother tight, so happy he had found her but a little worried about having her brother possibly move.

"Not really. Like she is perfect and everything. She is from the Tribus Pack though."

"Oh dear God"

"Yeah, we hate them." Sighed Marcus putting his face into his hands.

"Well, I would love to meet this girl." 

Before Marcus could respond a rustle in the bushes was heard behind them and both siblings whipped around. Hannah and Marcus both shifted as they smelt the extremely faint scent of a wolf. The two wolves chased after it clearly not taking kindly to eavesdroppers. 

As they caught up to a wolf the chase began until Hannah jumped her wolf clawing the back of the evesdropper as the wolves stopped running and began to fight. Hannah bit at the wolf until a deep growl from Myles forced the wolf to shift.

"Forget what you heard mutt." 

"Too late Ambalian whore, I mindlinked my Alpha. Now the entire pack knows and soon enough we will be able to smell out your mate." The eavesdropper was shut up when Hannah gave him a hard kick to the stomach. 

"Let's take him back to the Alpha." Growled Hannah while glaring down at the eavesdropper.

"Don't be stupid, we are on no man's land. Our pack has no authority to rule over these lands. Let's go home and try to do some quick damage control before the news gets to the Pack."

Within a day the Tribus Pack was able to find out the mate was Laila and within the week the entirety of the Ambala pack had learned Myles had a Tribusian mate. The teenagers were ordered not to talk to each other and both packs harassed Laila and Myles. 

"Mum, can I go stay with Adelia for a bit?" Asked Laila one morning when Laila's mother was off to work. 

"Darling I'm sorry but I can't let you do that."

"Mum, please. The pack hates me now and I have to live with them. They glare at me and talk about me behind my back and that's only the ones that don't say shit to my face. I can't be in the packhouse anymore. If I can't live with Adelia let me go stay with Aunt Annie in England."

"Fine you can live with Adelia but I want you to call me every night. Look I lost my mate. You will get through this my dear. When you finally are with this Myles boy then it will all be worth it my dear." Laila hugged her Mother tight before she had to go to work and Laila could finally pack up her things. By the end of the day Laila was settled into one of Adelia's many bedrooms.

That night Hannah was yelling at her pack. Hannah had always fought for her brother. While her brother was calculated and quite Hannah was a ticking time bomb ready to explode at anyone. There was little any authority could do when Hannah was fighting for the ones she loved. 

"You are all bastards you know that."

"Silence Hannah." Shouted her Alpha but Hannah didn't even blink as her wolf was strong and unwavering.

"No, how dare you try to defy the Moon Goddess and the mate bond she gives for us to treasure and nurture not suppress it and fight it. You will kill them. You can only live so long without your mate and their wolves will begin to poison them if they are forced to live without each other." 

The wolves around her looked ashamed and frightened as Hannah went off at them. Myles just stood there making a plan as he always did. The Ambala pack had a strong belief and loyalty to the Moon Goddess so when Hannah invoked her name it was clear the pack was panicking. 

"Hannah you will be punished."

"Good but I warn you Alpha I have the Moon Goddess on my side and history shows that those who have the Moon Goddess are always proven to be right. Are you ready to be remembered as a monster in the history books?" Snapped Hannah as two warriors dragged her down to the cells for punishment. 

Laila spent that week at Adelia's house. It was heaven compared to the packhouse. Laila could do as she pleased without people questioning her each and every move. It was one morning when Adelia would be gone visiting her friend in another state and Markus and Laila were left home alone. They were both reading in the library in comfortable silence.

"I miss my mate." Said Markus as he snapped his book shut clearly frustrated.

"You and me both buddy."

"Yes, our tales of forbidden love," Markus replied sarcastically as he dramatically flopped back on the couch. 

"What will you do when you can have her again?"

"I'll kiss her and I'll hold her. I'll tell her everything I adore about her. Yeah, it's cheesy and shit but she is just perfect."

"Gald you're here Markus." Said Laila before she returned to her room to do some homework and mope about her mate.

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