Baby Talk

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Min Yoongi

You and Yoongi had been married for a few years now and the conversation about starting a family has never come up. Which breaks your heart because you are beyond ready. You were sort of afraid to bring it up to your husband. You loved Yoongi to death, but he could be a little intimidating to start big conversations with.

Yoongi was in his in-home studio when you get home from work. You take a deep breath and ring the little doorbell outside of the closed door. It was only a minute before the door handle turns and the door the Genius Lab opens. He smiles that gummy smile that you love so much. 

"Hey, baby. You're home early." He says and leans forward and gives you a kiss. 

"I wanted to have an early start to the weekend. Plus, I missed my Yoonie." You kiss him again and he grabs your hand and pulls you into the studio. He brings you to his workstation and he sits down. He pats his lap and you sit on it right his lap. 

You look down at your hands and twiddle your thumbs. On the ride home you had made up your mind to bring up the baby conversation, but now that you were in front of your husband, you were quickly losing your nerve.

"What's going through that pretty little mind of yours, my dear?" He asks, tipping your face to look up to him.

"Well, I've been thinking about something for a little while now, but I just didn't know how to bring it up to you. I'm really nervous, Yoongs." You say, and your lips quiver in nervousness. 

"You don't need to be afraid to talk to me, Y/N. Just talk to me." He gives you a small smile in encouragement. You take a deep breath and blurt it out. 

"I want to have a baby." 

You look in Yoongi's eyes and he's looking right back at you. 

"A baby?" He repeats, stone faced. You nod your head, too afraid to talk. He takes a deep breath and opens his mouth.


You startle at his simple answer. You quickly adjust your position so that you're straddling him. You grab his cheeks and look in his eyes. "Really?"

"Really. I have a little you running around." He says with those beautiful brown eyes of his. 

"Well, I want a little you running around."


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Jung Hoseok

You and Hoseok were sitting on the couch watching a movie on the couch. The couple on the screen were celebrating the birth of their new baby, and it made your heart ache. It's been about a year since you had a miscarriage. You both were devastated. You'd never seen your husband  so heartbroken. You had taken a long time off of trying for a baby, not only to give your body time to recover, but your mind as well. 

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