Baby's First Picture

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Min Yoongi

You were so excited to finally get to your first doctor's appointment. You were ready to see your little one's progress. Yoongi was just as excited as you were. The closer you got to your appointment, the more he practically vibrated with excitement. You were getting dressed for your appointment when Yoongi comes bounding through the door.

"Today's the day, baby! We get to see baby Min for the first time!" He yells. He wraps his arms around my tiny, tiny bump. 

You chuckle and put your hands on his. "I know, Yoonie. Let's go see our baby!"

~At the doctor's office~

"Is there a Mrs. Min here?" You hear a nurse call out in the doctor's office waiting room. You stand up, pulling Yoongi up with you. He squeezes your hand as the nurse leads you back to a exam room. You see the exam table and the ultrasound machine in corner. "If you can change into the gown and lay down on the table, the doctor will be in shortly." 

She leaves and you just stare at the ultrasound. It's finally starting to hit you that you're getting ready to see your baby for the first time. Hear their heartbeat. Have actual proof that they are there. You tear up a bit and Yoongi rushes to you. 

"What's wrong baby?" He asks, wiping a stray tear.

"It's just hitting me that this was real. Like we're actually having  baby." He chuckles. 

"You scared me. I thought something was wrong. Now do as the nurse says and get naked." You scoff and smack his shoulder. You change into the hospital gown, ignoring the whistles from your husband. You sit on the table just there's a knock on the door. Your doctor walks in the door and greets the both of you. 

"Now, Mrs. Min, please lay back and scoot towards the edge of the table and we'll take a look at your little one." You scoot down to the edge and Yoongi comes to the head of the table and grabs your hand. The doctor wheels over the ultrasound machine and prepares the transvaginal ultrasound. You squeeze Yoongi's hand as the doctor inserts the wand.

A fast, rhythmic wooshing sounds through the room and both you and Yoongi gasp. You look to the monitor and you see your little bean. The doctor points to the little black spot on the monitor. "There is your baby. Base on the size, I would say you are about eleven weeks along. The baby is perfectly  about the size of a fig." The doctor leaves you and Yoongi to have a moment alone. 

Yoongi kisses the back of the hand that he was holding. "You're incredible, you know that?"

"I'm so happy, Yoongi. Our baby is real." You look up at him with tears in your eyes, a huge smile on your face. 

"It's real."

Jung Hoseok

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Jung Hoseok

You were so nervous for your doctor's appointment. You were anxious that your body was tricking you and that your pregnancy tests were false positives. Hoseok didn't share in your anxieties but he didn't dismiss yours. He just tried to reassure you that everything is going to be okay. It's the morning of your appointment and your stomach is a tangled ball of nerves. Hobi was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast as you came downstairs.

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