House or Hospital?

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Min Yoongi

You were currently sitting in your large bathtub taking a soak. You had a long day at work on your feet with your ever growing belly, and a bubble bath with Epsom salts was just the treatment. Sometimes you forgot how big your bathtub was until you actually took a bath. You were doing some heavy thinking when you hear the door to your bedroom open. You know Yoongi can hear the soothing music you have playing through the Bluetooth speaker. 

The door to your bathroom cracks open, and the Yoongi pokes his head through the crack. "Hey, baby. Long day?" He asks as he makes his way to you in the tub. He sits next to you and reaches over a rubs the part of your belly that is breaking through the cloud of bubbles. 

You nod your head. "Yes. My surgical load has been really heavy lately, and I haven't had too long in-between to take a rest. Plus, our little MiMi was very active today. Just doing somersaults on my kidneys." You both chuckle and he rubs your belly. 

"Listen here, baby girl. Give your mama a break every now and again, huh?" You sit in peaceful silence for a while, Yoongi's hand just resting on your belly and your eyes closed. You suddenly remembered what you were thinking about before your husband came home. 

"Hey, Yoonie?" You ask him quietly, opening your eyes to look at him. He just "hmms?" in response.

"What do you think about having the baby here?" He stops rubbing your belly and makes eye contact with you. 

"Here? As in the house?" You nodded your head shyly, not sure how he was taking your suggestion. He ends up shrugging his shoulders. "Okay. Whatever you want baby. What made you want to do it at home?"

"Well...I'm always at the hospital for work. I spoke to some of the guys' wives who had their babies at home and they said that they felt super comfortable being in their own space. I was also think about having a water birth. Being in this giant, relaxing bathtub made me think that. It's perfect if you think about it."

He smiles and rubs your belly some more. "Sounds good, baby. I love the idea. Little MiMi is going to be a mermaid."

You roll your eyes but smile.

Only a little while longer until your little girl was here.

Only a little while longer until your little girl was here

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Jung Hoseok

You were at your most recent doctor's appointment with Hoseok getting your seven month check up. You were getting closer and closer to your due date and it was making you a nervous wreck. You had just finished getting your ultrasound done and you were getting resituated on the exam table. Hobi was helping you like the amazing man he was. 

"Well, everything is looking as it should so far. Baby B is just a tad bit smaller than his brother, but that's not uncommon for one twin to be a tiny bit smaller." The doctor tells you as she makes note of a couple things in your chart. 

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