Boys Meet Baby

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Min Yoongi

It had been a week since you had given birth and you and Yoongi were in a good groove taking care of your little girl. You were in the kitchen making dinner for you and Yoongi, little Mi Mi on your chest in a sling. You're just finishing up when you hear the garage door open and close, indicating that Yoongi was back from hanging out with the guys. "Babe?" You hear him yell.

"Kitchen, Yoonie!" You say back, trying not to startle your daughter. She's not asleep, but she's easily startled with loud abrupt noises. Yoongi makes himself known and comes into the kitchen. He beelines straight for your daughter and gently grabs her out of the sling and snuggles her against his chest. 

"Hello, my baby girl. Did you have a good day with your mama? Ooh you're looking so pretty in your pink dress." He continues to coo at her and bounce around the kitchen as you finish plating the dinner. On one of his passes by you, Yoongi kisses the side of your head and says hello to you.

Yoongi places her in a little swing that we have in the kitchen. She begins to drift off to sleep as you and your husband begin to eat dinner. "So, how'd it go with the boys today?" You ask Yoongi as you take a bite of food. He finishes chewing his bite before he answers.

"It was good. They want to meet her. They're chomping at the bit. Do you think they can come over tomorrow?" He looks up at you imploringly.

"Of course they can. I just wanted a little time with just the three of us before they came over. You can let them know they're allowed to come over tomorrow afternoon." You smile at him. You're excited for the boys to come meet  your girl.


You're in the nursery changing Mi Mi into a custom onesie that Yoongi had ordered her, little black shorts and a gold bow. The onesie is white and has "Daddy's Princess" on it. Yoongi loves spoil her. Her little closet is full of clothes that he has bought for her. 

"There you go, Mi Mi

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"There you go, Mi Mi. Ready to meet your uncles." And right on cue, the front door opens and you hear the loud voices of the rest of Bangtan. You pick up your little one and downstairs. You hear Yoongi telling them to try to keep it down so they don't startle the baby. You round the corner into the living room and the guys all begin to silently squeal and coo over her. 

"Whoa, hyung...she's precious. I can see an even mix of both you and Y/N in her." Taehyung says. You can see he's itching to hold her. So, you offer him the first hold. His boxy smile pops up and you gently hand her over to him. You continue to watch the boys fawn over her and Yoongi comes up behind you and wraps his arms around. 

"I love our life, Yoonie." You say, snuggling into his chest. You giggle as Jimin plays peek-a-boo with your week old baby.

Yoongi kisses the side of your head. "Me too, baby."

"YAH! Kim Namjoon! Sit down before you drop her!"

"YAH! Kim Namjoon! Sit down before you drop her!"

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