Appa Finds Out

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Min Yoongi

Your sister leaves after about an hour of screeching and hugging. You shoo her away so you can figure out a fun and creative way to tell Yoongi. You grab your phone and look on Google and Pintrest (that's what I've been doing for these stories lol) to come up with a creative idea. You're so absorbed into your research that you barely hear your front door closing. You quickly cloe your phone and stand to greet your husband. 

Yoongi smiles as he sees you and he drops his bag and runs (ha. yoonie running. ha ha.) to pull you into a hug. He tucks his face into your neck. "Ugh, babe. I missed you today. Namjoon was driving me up a wall." You chuckled and ran your hands through his hair.

"How about we order in, you have a beer, and we can watch some Netflix." You offer. 

"Sounds good to me."

Once your food gets here, you and Yoongi snuggle up on the couch. "Hey, Yoonie." 

"Hmm?" He replies as he's chewing some of his dinner. 

"Our five year anniversary is next week. And I was thinking, how about instead of giving each other a gift, we do a photoshoot. We could have Kookie do it for us and we could write on a chalkboard one thing we love about each other. What do you think?"

"I really like that idea, babe. I'll have to do some hard thinking though." He smirks at you.

You smack him. "Min Yoongi!"

~One Week Later~

You and Yoongi were both dressed niced for the photoshoot. Both of your boards were hidden from each other's sight. You face away from each other and you take the cover off of yours and Jungkook comes and stands in front of you, camera at the ready. He reads your board and his eyes become huge. You hold your index finger up to your lips, telling him to be quiet. He takes a few pictures of you and your sign. 

He then goes and takes pictures of Yoongi's sign. He's all smiles now. He comes to the side of both you and Yoongi. "Alright, guys. You can turn around now." His camera is posed on Yoongi to get his reaction. 

You turn around and look at Yoongi's face. His eyes drop to your board to reaed it and then it goes blank. You smirk at him as he drops his sign and runs to smash you into a hug. You hear him sniffle and you start to tear up. He pulls back and grabs both of your cheeks in his hands.

"Are you for real?" He whispers. 

"Yeah, Yoonie. You're going to be a daddy."

(It's supposed to be something like this but the sign says "You Made Me a Mommy")

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(It's supposed to be something like this but the sign says "You Made Me a Mommy")

(It's supposed to be something like this but the sign says "You Made Me a Mommy")

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