Oh, Baby!

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Min Yoongi

Your midwife heard you say that you had the urge to push and comes quickly over to you. She reaches down and checks your cervix, and you indeed are ten centimeters dilated. "It's go time, Y/N." She says looking up at you. "Let me bring my supplies over here and then we'll be ready to start pushing." She steps away to gather her supplies.

You have a firm grip on Yoongi's hands as he sits behind you. "We're almost there, baby. Only a little bit of pain and a few pushes and then we'll have our little girl here. You're doing so great." You grunt in pain as another contraction rolls through you. 

"Ugh. I can't wait for her to be out. These contractions hurt like a bitch." You grunt out as another wave of contractions roll through you. It was getting beyond uncomfortable that you made a last minute decision to change positions. "Yoonie, I've got to move around a bit."

He helps you adjust your position so that you are on knees and your arms on the edge of the tub. He sat beside you and rubbed your back as the worst of your contractions hits you. You moan in pain Yoongi murmurs encouraging words to you.

"Well, Y/N, you're crowning. You'll need to do a few big pushes to push past the head, a couple more big ones for the shoulder, then small pushes for the rest. You're almost there. With the next contraction, I want you to bare down and push has hard as you can. Okay?" You nodded your head and 30 seconds later, you were pushing as hard as you could. 

Yoongi was coaching you through it, reminding you to breathe and holding one of your hands. 

"Good, Y/N. That was a really good push. Now, here we go....do it again. PUSH." Your midwife says to you. You push with all of your might again and even yell out as you feel the head and part of a shoulder pass through. 

"You're doing so well, baby. I am so proud of you." Yoongi whispered to you. You could tell he was starting to get emotional because there was a hitch in his voice. You brought your head up and kissed him before he laid his forehead on yours. "One more big push, baby. One more. You've got this." 

You take in his encouragement and push even harder than before, yelling out one more time. Relief of pain hits you like a tidal wave and then you realize why: your little girl has been born. Yoongi quickly flips you back over just as the midwife brings your daughter through the surface of the water. She quickly suctions out her nose and mouth and your baby girl lets a ear piercing cry. 

You cry along with her and so does Yoongi. Your midwife places her on your chest and she immediately quiets down and snuggles into your chest. "A mama's girl already." Your midwife says.

You lean down and kiss her head. "Welcome to the world, Mi Mi. Eomma and Appa love you very much." You lookup at Yoongi and he is crying, but beaming at your daughter, not taking his eyes off of her. 

"Mr. Min, would you like to cut the cord?" She asks, holding the scissors out to him. Yoongi nods his head and cuts the umbilical cord and the midwife delivers the rest of the placenta. 

"Yoonie, do you want to hold her?" You look up at him. 

"Hell, yeah I do. Hand her over." You chuckle and gently hand her over to him. 

"Hi, baby girl. I'm going to spoil the shit out of you."

Min Kyung Mi~ 8 lbs, 1 oz

Min Kyung Mi~ 8 lbs, 1 oz

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