Scared Shitless

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Min Yoongi

~His POV~

I was in the studio with Namjoon and Hoseok. We were currently working on Cypher Pt 5 (I WISH! I NEED ANOTHER DISS TRACK). I had my phone in my pocket just in case Y/N were to need me for whatever reason. We were nearing the end of her pregnancy and I was a nervous wreck. Constantly. The other guys could tell that it was starting to preoccupy my mind again.

"Hyung, why don't we take a break. I know that Hope-ah and I need to eat. I think you do too." Namjoon says. He pauses the track and turns in his chair to face me. 

Just as I was about to respond, the phone starts to buzz on my table and I pick it up. It's Y/N. She knows I'm at the studio and wouldn't call unless something was absolutely wrong. I rush to pick it up. 

"Y/N, baby, what's wrong?" I can hear her sniffle into the phone and my heart about stops. 

"Yoonie, it hurts." She sounds scared and it breaks my heart.

"What hurts baby? What's wrong?" I'm already out of my chair and headed to the car. 

"My belly is so tight and it hurts. When I move it gets worse, and it's hard to breathe. I'm scared." She whimpers. 

"It's alright baby. I'm on my way. You lay on the couch until I get home, and then we'll go to the hospital, okay?" 

"Okay. Hurry Yoonie." She hangs up and I jump in the car and speed to the house. I'm on my baby. Hold on.

~At the house~

"Y/N! Where are you, baby?" I yell out, throwing my keys on the counter. 

"In the living room, Yoonie!" Her voice sounds better than what it had on the phone. I run into the living room to see her sitting up on the couch and reading a book. She looks up when she sees me. She has a sheepish look on her face. "H-hey, Yoonie." 

I rush and kneel down in front of her and rub her belly. "How's our little MiMi?"

"She's okay. While I was waiting for you to come home, I was reading my What to Expect When You're Expecting  book. It says that the symptoms I was experiencing were probably Braxton Hicks contractions. I even called our doctor and she agreed with me. She said that especially since the pains went away when I stopped moving and relaxed, that that's for sure what they were."

I sigh and lean my forehead on her belly. "Thank God. I about shit my pants when you called me earlier. What did she say real labor would look like?" She starts running her hand through my hair and I hum in delight. 

"She stated that I will suddenly be able to breathe better when the baby drops. Then she said that when the contractions start, that it will be hard for me to talk through them. My water will break and then the baby will be on its way."

I kiss her belly before getting up and sitting next to her. "Well, when the time comes, I will be ready."


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