Family of Three/Four

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Min Yoongi

After the midwife has done all of her checks on you and the baby, she left. She told you to call her if you had any questions or problems and that she would be back to do a check up in a bout a week or so. She wished you both good luck. 

Yoongi dressed your little one in a soft white, footed onesie with purple polka dots on it while you got changed in to pajamas.

Yoongi dressed your little one in a soft white, footed onesie with purple polka dots on it while you got changed in to pajamas

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"Aigoo~! What a cute little peanut. I can't believe you're here, baby girl." You hear Yoongi saying to her as he's dressing her. Your face breaks into a big smile at hearing him talk to your daughter. You knew he was going to be a great dad, but hearing him talk to her just proves it. You slip on a pair of his boxers for room and one of his t-shirts.

You step out of your closet to see him slowly walking around your bedroom, bouncing your daughter in his arms while humming to her softly. You lean against the door frame and rest a hand over your heart. It felt like it was going to burst with love. 

"You have never been more attractive to me than you are now. Like, seriously Min Yoongi. Hot stuff." You smirk as he looks over at you in surprise. He smiles softly at you then looks back down at your baby. You walk over to him and put your head on his shoulder and look down at your beautiful baby girl.

"I can't get enough of her, babe. She precious. You did so good." He says turning to kiss your forehead. You yawn and nod your head. The events of the day catching up to you. "You tired, sweetness?" 

You yawn again. "Yeah, giving birth takes a lot out of you." You smirk at him.

 "Rest, baby. I'll watch Mi Mi while you get your much deserved rest." You carefully get into your side of the bed and snuggle down into the sheets. You fall asleep shortly after your head hits the pillow. What seems like minutes later, you wake up to a startling cry. You shoot up, searching for your baby.

You see Yoongi in the bed next to you, your daughter fussing in front of him. He glances up to you with an apologetic smile on his face. "Sorry, love. I think she's hungry, and I can't help with that." You chuckle and pick her up. 

"No worries, Yoonie. I've got her."  You say. He quickly grabs your nursing pillow as you get her positioned her at your breast, then put the pillow underneath her and your arm. Yoongi settles back in bed, a burp cloth in his hand at the ready. 

After about fifteen minutes of feeding, your  baby lifts away and gets fidgety. Yoongi lifts her up and puts her on his shoulder and begins to burp her. She lets out a couple of tiny burps and he chuckles at her. "There you go, baby girl. That was a big one. Alright little one, it's time for you to get some rest." He swaddles her before placing her in the crib at the foot of the bed. "Good night, Mi Mi." He places a delicate kiss on her forehead before joining you back in bed.

You snuggle into his embrace as he wraps his arms around you. "I'm so incredible proud of you, babe. You give birth to our little one without any pain medication. I love you. So, so much." He kisses your forehead before snuggling against you.

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