Feeling the Baby Kick

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Min Yoongi

You and Yoongi were in his private studio at home. He was currently working on another mixtape. (still waiting on AD2, but ya know...) You were incredible proud of him and you loved watching him in action. You also just loved spending time with him. He tended to zone out and get overly focused, and tended to forget you were in there with him sometimes. 

That's what was happening now. You were lying on the sofa in his studio and he was stationed at his sound board. He had headphones on, but had one of them off of his ear so he could hear you talk to him if you needed anything. You were lying on your side, one hand underneath your head and the other resting on your growing belly. You belly had gotten large enough that you couldn't lay on your back anymore because it was uncomfortable. 

You had nodded off reading a pregnancy book. The abandoned book on the floor. You started feeling something underneath your hand. It was sort of like...a fluttering, but you didn't know for sure. You furrowed your brow in your sleep and tried to ignore it. It happens again, more persistent this time. You blink your eyes open and rub the spot on your belly where your were feeling the fluttering. 

You gasp once you realize what it is. Your baby is kicking.

Yoongi turns around at the sound of your gasp and grows concerned when he sees you rubbing your belly with tears in your eyes. He rips his headphones off and comes over to you. He sits on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"I felt it." You sniffle and look up at him. His eye brows furrow in confusion.

"Felt what, baby?"

"Our baby started kicking, Yoonie. Give me your hand." You reach out and grab his hand and put it next to yours on the spot your felt the kicking. As soon as Yoongi's big hand touches your belly, he jumps.

"Whoa...they're being so active." He looks down at your hands in awe. His gummy smile makes and appearance. "This is incredible baby. Thank you for letting me experience this."

You lean forward and kiss his nose. 

"I should be the one thanking you. You helped create this life. I'm so happy, Yoonie." You smile up at him.

"Me too, baby."

Jung Hoseok

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Jung Hoseok

You were at dinner with all the boys and their wives. You were celebrating the fact that they just won a few daesangs at one of the awards shows this season. You were all in a private room of the resturaunt. Everyone was drinking, well except for you, and having a great time. You had really started craving meat during your pregnancy and you were eating for three. 

Well, that was your excuse for shoveling samgyeopsal into your face all night. Hobi kept looking over at you and kept smiling at you. He loved your zeal for eating. He was constantly reaching over and rubbing your back or belly. Every time he rubbed your belly, you looked over at him and smiled. 

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