Houston, We Have a Baby Bump

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Min Yoongi

~His POV~

I was waiting for her to get ready while sitting on the bed. We had an awards show to go to and we had to leave shortly, otherwise we'll be late. I am looking at my phone when I hear a gasp from our walk in closet. 

"Babe?" I call out to her, but I don't get any response. "Y/N? You alright?" I call out again. 

"Yoongi...come here." I hear a slight wobble in her voice, so I toss my phone on the bed and head into the closet. When I get to where she's at, I freeze. She's standing sideways at the full length mirror on her side. She standing in her undergarments with a hand on her bump. My eyes focus in on that:

Her bump.

"Whoa..." I whisper as I walk closer to her. I look at her and make eye contact in the mirror. She's got a hug smile on her face, eyes sparkling with unshed tears. I come and stand behind and wrap my arms around her belly. It's a small bump, but it's noticeable under my hands.

"There's our baby, Yoonie. I can't believe I'm showing now. It feels just like yesterday we were finding out about our little bean." She whispers. She puts her hands on top of mine

I rub her belly as I put my head on her shoulders. "I know babe. You look beautiful. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Now, get dressed baby. We're going to be late." I remove my hands and lightly pat her butt. I turn to look at her before I leave the closet.

 I glance down at her belly and smile as she starts to move around the closet looking for a dress, one hand still on her new bump. I smile as I turn and leave.

What did I do to get so lucky? 

What did I do to get so lucky? 

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Jung Hoseok

Hoseok has been extra protective of you ever since you found out you were carrying twins. He has been cooking for you, helping you clean around the house, and helping you with your job when he can. He's also been very handsy, too. 

You were lying in bed, reading a book. Hoseok was finishing up in the shower. You started to yawn just as you heard the shower turn off. You place your bookmark and then set your book on the nightstand next your side of the bed. 

You snuggle down under the covers and turn on your side. You hear the bathroom door open and your peer over your shoulder to see your husband in just a pair of basketball shorts. Your mouth dries at the sight of him. 

"Don't look at me that way. I just took a shower." You look up and make eye contact with him and see him smirking. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." You huff then flop back on your side. You hear him chuckle and walk over to the bed and lift the covers. He gets in and snuggles up behind you and wraps his arm around your belly. You hadn't told him you were starting to show, but he was getting ready to find out. 

"You were looking at like--" He pauses and you smile. "What is this?" He asks as his hand begins to rub on your small belly. Your belly was slightly bigger for how far along you were because you had two babies. "Sunshine..."

"Those are our babies, Hobi. They're making themselves known." You lace your hand with his on your belly. He places a kiss on the side of your head. 

"I just can't thank you enough for giving me this gift." He whispers in your ear. 

"Well, you helped create them, so, I have thank you too. Surprise, Hobi." 

Kim Namjoon

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Kim Namjoon

You were in the process of finishing up washing your hair in the shower when you hear a knock on the door. "Babe?" You hear Namjoon's muffled voice on the other side of the door. 

"C'mon on in, Joonie. I'm almost done." You hear the door open and close as he steps into the bathroom. You close your eyes as you wrinse out your hair. The shower door opens and there stands your husband. You open your eyes and smirk at him. "Can I help you?"

"I'm just trying to save the planet by conserving water. Don't you want to be environmentally responsible?" He asks, a smirk on his face as well. "I think I need to double check whether or not you've washed well."

"Yah! Kim Namjoon! No funny business in the shower. I've got precious cargo now." You say, rubbing your belly. 

He steps forward and places his hand next to yours. "You're right. I've got to be careful of our little one." His eyes comically widen when he realizes that your belly has some definition to it. 

"BABE! You've got a bump! When did that happen?" He asks, looking down at his hand on your slightly protruding belly. You hum in response and close your eyes, reveling in the fell of his hand on your baby bump. 

"You look so good with it. I can't until you get bigger." You can hear the smile in his voice.

"I'm not looking forward to the getting bigger part, but that just means you'll have to go with me to pick out new maternity clothes." He lets go of your belly and pulls you into a hug. 

"We can do whatever you want, Princess. I can't believe our little one is already making itself known."

You snuggle your face into his chest, the warm water hitting your back. "I know Joon Bug. That means we're that much closer to having them here with us." He pulls you tighter.

"I can't wait."


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Here's another chapter for you! Sorry if they seem a little short. I was trying not to make them the same as the vocal line book or the other pregnancy series I've read. 

Song Recommendation: Dream by Bazzie

See ya later!

~Molls :D <3

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