Staches or Lashes

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Min Yoongi

It was time for your and Yoongi's gender reveal party. We left if up to the boys to host the party and come up with the reveal idea. They have been very secretive and not given away any hints as to what they were going to do, but knowing the guys, it's going to be completely over the top. The boys told everyone was coming to wear what color that you think the baby was going to be.

Yoongi was wearing a color that he rarely wears: pink. He thinks the baby is going to be a girl, while you think that the baby is going to be a boy. Yoongi is usually right on the sort of things, but you can't help but want to have a little version of him waddling around. Can you imagine it? A little version of Yoongi wearing a little leather jacket and baby black Converse? Ugh. Heart eyes. 

I come down the stairs in a light blue maternity sun dress to the sound of lots of voices. I waddle my way to the kitchen to see Yoongi and Hoseok talking over drinks. Yoongi looks up when he sees you walking into the kitchen. You walk over and side hug him. He leans down and kisses your head. "Hey, baby. How're you feeling?" 

"I'm feeling okay. I'm ready to find out the gender. I'm ready to start working on the nursery."

Hoseok chuckled. "I can only imagine how antsy you're getting. My wife was the same way the closer she got to her due date. Well, it shouldn't be too much longer. I think Jungkook is almost done setting up." And as if on cue, Jungkook comes bounding through the door. 

"Noona! Hyung! It's ready! Come on outside." He huffs then runs back outside. You grab Yoongi's hand and make your way to your backyard where everyone was mingling.  "Alright everyone, you all have confetti poppers with the designated color of the gender. You will stand behind Y/N and Yoongi and on the count of three you will pull the poppers. I will be taking pictures of their reactions. Noona, Hyung, turn and face me please." You both do and Jungkook gets his camera in position for taking photos. 

"Alright, 1, 2, 3 POP!" You heard a loud, collective pop and you look up and see a rain of pink confetti fluttering around. Tears immediately prick your eyes as you turn to look at your husband. He has a huge gummy smile on his face. You put your forehead on his and  whispered, "A girl, Yoonie. Can you believe it?"

You hear a sniffle. "Of course I can. I've always had the dream of a little version of you running around. It's all I've wanted ever since we started dating." You really lost it at that.

How did you get so lucky to have daughter with Yoongi as the father?

She'll want for nothing.

She'll want for nothing

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Jung Hoseok

You and Hoseok were thrilled to finally be learning the sex of your twins. You were starting to get antsy and you were wanting to get nesting. You wanted a theme for your nursery and you wanted to get started on decorating. Being pregnant with twins put you at a greater risk for going into labor early or being induced early for the protection of the babies. 

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