Bonus Chapter 1: First Steps

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Min Yoongi

Your daughter was nine months old and on the move. She had rolled over on her own at five months, and sat herself up at six months old. Last month she was able to pull her self up on the coffee table. Your little princess was growing up so fast. It was only a matter of time before she was walking. She was trying every now and then, but she kept falling down. 

You were currently in the living room with Kyung Mi. You were waiting for Yoongi to get home from work. Kyung Mi was playing on her play mat in front of the tv. She was giggling at the jingle of one her toys when you hear the garage door begin to open. You gasp dramatically and you catch your daughter's attention. "Mi Mi! Daddy's home!" 

She throws her toy down beside her and begins to crawl towards the kitchen. The door from the garage into the kitchen opens and your husband walks in. "Hello my girls. How was your day?" He sets his wallet, phone and keys on  the kitchen counter. You stand up and walk over to him and give him a quick kiss on the lips.

"It was good. I was able to get some work done because Mi Mi got a really good nap in today." He looks towards your daughter and smiles her. He crouches and reaches his arms out to her. He beckons her towards him. She flashes her replica gummy smile and grabs the coffee table to pull her self up. 

"Come here, Mi Mi. Come to daddy!" He  calls to her. She takes a small step along the table, and then a couple more as she gains her confidence. "Good job, princess! Keep coming, you've got this!" She squeals at him and lets go of the table. She takes a wobbly step forward without the support of the table. She pauses for a second, but looks back up at her daddy and begins to walk forward again. 

She continues her unsteady gait towards Yoongi before she finally makes it and he sweeps her up in his arms. He smothers her face in kisses as she squeals at the affection shown to her. "You did it little one! Oh I'm so proud of you!"

"That was a long time coming, Yoongs. She's been trying to all week! She just had to wait for her daddy to come home for it." You say pinching her chubby little cheeks. He laughs in response. He sets her down and he grabs her hand and walks her to the kitchen, her just gurgling and babbling the whole time.

Your girl was on the move now, growing up so fast.

Your girl was on the move now, growing up so fast

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Jung Hoseok

Having twins boys was exhausting. 

Physically and mentally exhausting.

But you wouldn't change it for the world. You actually got really lucky in the fact that for twin boys, Hobi's twin boys at that, they are pretty chill babies. They're almost sleeping through the night and they're napping well through the day. They're happy babies and always smiling. Just like their daddy. The boys turned out to be identical twins. We can tell them apart because Si Woo has Hoseok's little heart smile and Beom Seok has freckle underneath his lips. 

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